this heart shaped beet (Beta vulgaris, “Chioggia”) just splayed open to reveal its striated center, nestled in a bed of its antioxidant rich kin. it makes my own heart heave with something less heavy than everything everywhere pressing in on me, something like wonder still intact and pulsing.
in the interest of cultivating mycelial connections here,
i am attempting to overcome my aversion to hashtags. ;)
#agroecología #agroforestry #anarquía #beekeeping #decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum
#foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #morethanhuman #mutualaid #mycoremediation#noborders #poetry #punkrock #skepticism #synesthesia
#agroecología #agroforestry #Anarquía #beekeeping #Decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum #foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #moreThanHuman #MutualAid #mycoremediation #poetry #PunkRock #skepticism #synesthesia
PET is a Sustainable Rural Agroecology Project that carries out training and research activities in Agroforestry Systems, Horticultural Therapy, Permaculture and others. #Agroecology #Agroforestry #Permaculture #Agroecologia #HorticulturalTherapy
#horticulturaltherapy #agroecologia #permaculture #agroforestry #agroecology
So here goes .... Going to attempt an #Introduction. I am an ex #NHS employee who currently works with people with #dementia . Keen #Gardener with an interest in #HorticulturalTherapy . Can't help but keep an eye on #Politics . Fan of #Nature #Cats #Wildlife #Books #Gin #Hiking #Podcasts Getting older, still smiling
#podcasts #hiking #gin #books #wildlife #cats #nature #politics #horticulturaltherapy #gardener #dementia #nhs #introduction