And no, the difference is that #BlueSky is a #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider platform and thus perfectly capable to #moderate and #delete everything.
Whereas :activitypub: as a protocol like #eMail and #HTTPS [the latter one it relies upon] is #decentralized, #MultiVendor / #MUltiProvider and thus the only angle that exists is going after #admins, #hosters and those that keep that shit online!
#hosters #admins #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized #https #Email #delete #moderate #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #bluesky
@coltofox yeah, I had similar issues ages ago.
#Microsoft are real assholes for being one of the 3 biggest providers (#GMail & #YahooMail are the others) that do demand a shitton from #eMail #hosters yet don't even react to #Spam reports...
Worse are only #GoDaddy that refuse to provide any #WHOIS nor react upon #AbuseReports at all...
#abusereports #whois #GoDaddy #spam #hosters #Email #yahoomail #Gmail #Microsoft
Just found this "delightful list of libre #hosters" which collects people and organizations who deploy, maintain and offer #FOSS services to the public:
Made me finally rediscover #Nomagic which I had on a short list for a go-to-hoster and then somehow lost track of.. Glad so many hosters exist that provide an alternative to #surveillanceCapitalism and its toxic services!
#hosters #foss #nomagic #surveillancecapitalism
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