@frenck ...we left #twitter the very day its #hostiletakeover began... and knew it was a matter of time before everyone else had no choice as well but to begin the #twitterexodus. And here we are. As with everything in life, we need to learn the lessons and be more #forwardthinking bcs no #technology or #platform, #open or #close, is excempt of repeating or falling for the same mistakes of the past.
#twitter #hostiletakeover #twitterexodus #forwardthinking #technology #platform #open #close
Guys, we're going to now do a little Miriani. #HostileTakeOver. http://twitch.tv/vol4life8657
We predicted #MastodonDevs were going to do it years ago, see #PopularityModel to see our intuition in full effect. #intuitivelyCorrectAlmostEverytime #prolific
#botFarms #socialMedia #misInfo #disInfo #exploreTab #exploreTimeline #mastodon #hostileTakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanFrancisco #fediverse #fediMeta #moneyPrinterContinues #moneyPrinterGoDrrr
#MastodonDevs #PopularityModel #intuitivelycorrectalmosteverytime #prolific #botFarms #socialmedia #misinfo #disinfo #exploretab #exploretimeline #mastodon #hostiletakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanfrancisco #fediverse #FediMeta #moneyprintercontinues #moneyprintergodrrr
My youngest daughter has discovered Mastodon. Over my shoulder, of course. So now she likes to star every 'story' that she likes. And argues with me when I want to star something she doesn't like 😂
She has a particular penchant for decent landscape photography, cat portraits and books. She needs to grow a love of poetry still!
Here's me claiming my phone back briefly before she gets her time in 😂😂
#hostiletakeover #today #starwarsofadifferentkind
I know some folks here on Mastodon like to give us folks still using Twitter some guff for doing so. (Thankfully I've not been on the receiving end of much of that guff.)
This article spells out, in aching detail, why folks like me still crew the pumps over there; this ain't our first shipwreck, for many of us not by a long shot, and we're tired of leaving our baggage behind and dashing for the lifeboats. #SocialMedia #HostileTakeover
I know some folks here on Mastodon like to give us folks still using Twitter some guff for doing so. (Thankfully I've not been on the receiving end of much of that guff.)
This article spells out, in aching detail, why folks like me still crew the pumps over there; this ain't our first shipwreck, for many of us not by a long shot, and we're tired of leaving our baggage behind and dashing for the lifeboats. #SocialMedia #HostileTakeover
How is possible to prevent the commodification of the fediverse? Is it? I am sure there are many sharks out there plotting how to turn this into a cash cow. Are walls and fences really necessary?
#commodification #community #hostiletakeover
#commodification #community #hostiletakeover
For some, reinventing the wheel is an innovative strategy. Jogging in place, pushing pencils & shuffling papers may be the way forward for them
#LawAndTechnology #corporatelaw #hostiletakeover #twitter
For some, reinventing the wheel is an innovative strategy. Jogging in place, pushing pencils & shuffling papers may be the way forward
#LawAndTechnology #corporatelaw #hostiletakeover #twitter