"You Should Be Dancing" is a song by the #BeeGees, from the album #ChildrenOfTheWorld, released in 1976. It hit No. 1 for one week on the American Billboard Hot 100, No. 1 for seven weeks on the US #HotDanceClubPlay chart, and in September the same year, reached No. 5 on the #UKSinglesChart. The song also peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Soul chart. It was this song that first launched the Bee Gees into #disco.
#beegees #childrenoftheworld #hotdanceclubplay #uksingleschart #disco
"Sunrise" is a song by English musical group #SimplyRed. It was released on 17 March 2003 as the first single from their eighth studio album, #Home (2003), as well as the first single from frontman #MickHucknall's new #recordLabel, simplyred.com. The song peaked at number seven on the #UKSinglesChart, number three in Canada, and number one on the US #Billboard #HotDanceClubPlay chart.
#simplyred #home #mickhucknall #recordlabel #uksingleschart #billboard #hotdanceclubplay
"Say It Isn't So" is a song performed by #American duo #DarylHall_JohnOates, and written by Daryl Hall. It was released by #RCARecords in October 1983 as the first of two new #singles from their #compilationAlbum #RocknSoulPart1, released that same year. The song was #remixed as a "special extended dance mix" by #JohnJellybeanBenitez, which topped #Billboard magazine's #HotDanceClubPlay chart.
#american #darylhall_johnoates #rcarecords #singles #compilationalbum #rocknsoulpart1 #remixed #johnjellybeanbenitez #billboard #hotdanceclubplay