Tiamat is nearly ready!
The Wings will take 10 hours each… total printing time around 44 hrs. But it looks amazing and cost me maybe 2€ and some effort to remove the excess plastic. Then I‘ll paint it. Looking forward to painting.
Did I alteady say that I‘m quite happy about going back to model-painting?
I painted BloodBowl and Warhammer Minis until 20 years ago. Then I just stopped and quit the hobby…
Since I started again, I painted several Monsters for my D&D Camapig and I really like the quite relaxation painting Minis gives me.
#painting #minipainting #3dprint #dnd #tiamat #hotdq #riseoftiamat
#painting #minipainting #3dprint #dnd #Tiamat #hotdq #riseoftiamat
Und einer der Magier ist wieder mal in der Hohle umgefallen. Für uns ist das nicht #DragonHatchery sondern die Höhle des Todes
#dnd #hotdq