It has gained two new items yet somehow also more space. Losing the clothes drying rack (temporarily) of course helps.
There is now a table workspace so I no longer need to do night-time or rainy-day potting on and seed planting on the kitchen/dining table.
And I have moved that big dead display fridge in here and it'll become an upgraded #hotfridge for winter germination and overwintering selected chilli plants.
This means the old white fridge can be a ~10°C produce fridge (when needed.)
Was pondering if this very dead fridge could be repurposed as a kinda posh #allotmemt coldframe.
But Kat's suggestion is it can become #hotfridge MK2… I like the idea of a germination enclosure with glass doors. Hmmm... 🤔 Plus then I can worry less about the refrigeration gas problem. It'll remain "safe" indoors until the day it is disposed of properly.
Think if I was to try and make some sort of coldframe with it I'd need to use the doors only and have the main fridge disposed of properly.
I did also squeeze in a seed sowing blitz, running much later than planned on the pumpkins/squash here. Also runner beans (first sowing was a total fail!), purple beans, borlotti beans, gherkins, zucchinis, and comfrey.
Hoping to see some action from these quickly in the #HotFridge.
And now the #HotFridge is filled up again.
* Giant sunflowers (red & yellow)
* Wild Garlic (in the bag)
* Tomatillos (2 types)
* Okra (2 types)
* Tomato (1 type)
* 4 Melons
* 2 Cucumbers
Plus some hangovers from earlier chilli and tomatos. None of my 6x 7 Pot Primo have germianted :( 3x at 37 days and 3x at 20 days so too early to say they're just duds.
And a big shuffleabout as the chilli and tomato seedlings migrate to porch and windowsills. New seed trays slot into windowsill, conservatory, and grow-light spots. And now I have 2x15 trays worth of little seed pots empty so it's time for the next tomatoes, and tomatillos, and okra to get sown and popped in the #hotfridge for rapid germination.
The whole #allotment / #pollytunnel / #greenhouse pipeline is filling up quickly.
This onions need planting out soon!
#hotfridge #allotment #pollytunnel #greenhouse
Next up for the #hotfridge is probably eggplants and capsicums, with a very conservative selection of one variety of each. And then it'll be time for tomatoes.
The #hotfridge now has #seedycam...
I can remotely watch my little #chilli seeds germinate.
The grow-lights aren't fantastic for this really. Given how much heat they kick out I'm also already considering replacing them with a more normal daylight LED strip. Lighting in hotfridge isn't for "growing" really so it was probably overkill.
We have our first visible #chilli germinations in B,3,2 and B,5,2. Namely a Sugar Rush Stripy from Fatalii and a Madre Vieja from Nicky's Nursery. Speedy at only 4 days @ circa 28-30°C. I'm not going to log them as germinated until the cotyledons have burst forth.
I've adjusted the #hotfridge so that the new LED strip that generates a lot of heat turns on and off with the heating tubes. This also turns the fans on and off so I need to put them on their own 12V transformer really.
So, the #hotfridge is functional, I have sterilised some soil... tonight I shall make some camomile tea, tomorrow I shall do my first round of chilli planting... where to start...
Right, that's the first new #hotfridge shelf built and in place. And a second heating tube added as one just wasn't getting it to ideal chilli germinating temperature in the current chill.
Going to build a second shelf like this one, but it's ready to get started with plantings now. Just a pity the day is now a bit late for it. Need to eat. Need to be up early to deliver beer to Norwich tomorrow. Humbug.
Other postal excitement today is gear for #hotfridge upgrades... better air circulation and lighting.
Hotfridge lives again!! (sorta)
In summer it's beerfridge, for beer festivals it's fizzfridge (frizzante dispense fridge)... but as we head towards spring it becomes #hotfridge!
This is where chillies and other warm germinating seeds will begin their lives.
Been upgraded to a small greenhouse type heater unit rather than the old fan heater now (inappropriate for a closed humid environment, and now it heats our room anyway since we disabled central heating.)