Today's tune is... #MarthaAndTheVandellas - #Heatwave
#hothothot #septemberhittegolf #heatwave #marthaandthevandellas
Ohh shit!
So okay update.
So I have been letting these hybrids mature and they don’t seem to wish to change colour and they are just staying green as part of the mutation.
And today I tested them out and sliced up 6 of them and ate them and I knew I was in trouble the second I sliced them from the smell. 💀
*coughs gags* *knee slap* *mouth burn* ohhhh they are ready!
((Jaded Rage)) Final.
#hybrid #cross #chilli #update #hothothot #goodbyeanus #goodbyeworld #hellfire #chillihead
Enten: Threads is hot, hot, hot. I mean, my goodness gracious. Over 70 million users, and it just took them two days to do it. That beats the old record…
#JohnMastodon #IAmMastodon #TwitterExodus #TwitterRefugee #TwitterRIP #Fediverse #Artifact #Threads #Bluesky #Instagram #HotHotHot
#hothothot #Instagram #bluesky #threads #artifact #Fediverse #twitterrip #twitterrefugee #twitterexodus #iammastodon #johnmastodon
Mijn werkdag zit er al op. En daar ben ik blij om. Het was warm genoeg. 🥵 #hothothot #ontheroad
Happy anniversary to The Cure’s album, 'Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me’. Released this week in 1987. #thecure #robertsmith #kissmekissmekissme #whycantibeyou #catch #justlikeheaven #hothothot
#thecure #RobertSmith #kissmekissmekissme #whycantibeyou #catch #justlikeheaven #hothothot When you're hot You're Hot
#HotHotHot #globalwarming #climatechange #climatecrisis #Climate @Rhubarbarian @marca56 @breadandcircuses
#hothothot #globalwarming #climatechange #climatecrisis #climate
Rather yummo dhal for lunch - lots of chilli!
4 degrés C à Montréal un 14 février semble-t-il que c'est du jamais vu. #climat #StValentin #hothothot
Ça arrive la semaine où HEC Montréal dresse un bilan énergétique très peu glorieux pour le Québec et où tout le monde essaie de justifier l'achat d'un VUS ou d'un pickup.
#climat #stvalentin #hothothot
35 years ago today, The Cure released their single “Hot Hot Hot!!!” (1988). #TheCure #HotHotHot #80s #80smusic #forgotten80s #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #forgotten80s #80smusic #80s #hothothot #thecure
35 years ago today, The Cure released their single “Hot Hot Hot!!!” (1988). #TheCure #HotHotHot #80s #80smusic #forgotten80s #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #forgotten80s #80smusic #80s #hothothot #thecure
The Cure - "HOT HOT HOT"
Hot Hot Hot!!! The Cure
A study offers new insights into the record 2021 Western North America #heatwave. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #HotHotHot
#heatwave #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #hothothot
The now rare and ever elusive Hot Hot Hot 🔥 perfect addition to the pop encore
#hothothot #thecurelostworld22
Yesterday was the annual “Hot Pepper Jelly-a-thon” at the Cabin In The Woods. Eight pounds of sugar yielded 10 half-pints of Habanero Pepper Jelly and 10 half-pints of Smokin’ Hot Ghost Pepper Jelly! #Legendary #GhostPepperJelly #HabaneroPepperJelly #HotHotHot🔥🔥🔥
#hothothot #habaneropepperjelly #ghostpepperjelly #legendary
In unserem Haushalt hat es noch nie etwas schärferes gegeben als diese kleinen roten Teufel. Mit verbrannter Zunge gepostet. #hothothot
Oh sorry, hol ich schnell nach #culculcul.
Aber bei uns soll es trotzdem ganz schön #hothothot werden! :mastojoy:
Fedora 32 is out :fedora: :mastolove: :tux:
#fedora #linux #hothothot