Take Me To Gripland - parte 2 (Hot House) #devinfranco #johnnyford #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2lsrq65h
#devinfranco #johnnyford #hothouse
Why we can’t rely on air conditioning to keep us cool
#Environment #Health #HotHouse #Airconditioning #Warm #Hot #ExtremeHeat #Indoors #Outdoors
#environment #health #hothouse #airconditioning #warm #hot #extremeheat #indoors #outdoors
I love having a pellet stove. It heats my whole house for such a cheap price. But damn when you clean it out and suddenly one bag of pellets on the lowest setting heats to 36 C 🥵🔥🔥 #hothouse #cityofdisishot #burning
#burning #cityofdisishot #hothouse
Skintight (parte 3) (Hot House) #cademaddox #jkabethandale #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2kyjygnz
#cademaddox #jkabethandale #hothouse
Skintight (parte 3) (Hot House) #cademaddox #jkabethandale #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2kyjygnz
#cademaddox #jkabethandale #hothouse
Cade Maddox fucks Angel Rivera (Hot House) #angelrivera #cademaddox #medical #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2zjk8zrk
#angelrivera #cademaddox #medical #hothouse
Random Fucks - parte 4 (Hot House) #romantodd #cadejaxon #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2mueoz46
#romantodd #cadejaxon #hothouse
Dirty Desert Doctors - parte 2 (Hot House) #devinfranco #luccamazzi #medical #hothouse https://tinyurl.com/2fwjadtw
#devinfranco #luccamazzi #medical #hothouse
Gardeners of Mastodon!
New house, new greenhouse, right?
* Not too expensive (hoping below NOK15K)
* Roughly 5kvm, slightly above is ok.
* High side walls, which tends to be the killer for the budget options... At least 159cm.
I love ACD Piccolo 4, but not the price.
Any advice or recommendations? Preferrably easy to get hold of in Norway.
#gardening #chili #greenthumb #hothouse #gardeningmastodon
Hi Tripti!
I really liked your #paleoclimate #hothouse #climatechange analog paper. #drought #extremes #pliocene
Now… I need some help working over some of my dust-gathering for-just-me-I-guess Miocene simulations. Hope you come down and visit NYC soon.
#pliocene #extremes #drought #climatechange #hothouse #paleoclimate
Earth Hasn’t Warmed This Fast in Tens of Millions of Years
Chemical analyses of ancient #sediments allowed scientists to put together one of the most comprehensive #climate #histories of the planet.
,,,They found that the planet has passed through four distinct climate phases: #warmhouse, #hothouse, #coolhouse and #icehouse states.
Transitions from one state to another have generally depended on changing
#GreenhouseGas levels.
#Sediments #coolhouse #icehouse #greenhousegas #earthscience #climatescience #climate #histories #warmhouse #hothouse
Bon bon bon, l'acquis de 2018 : en 2015, plus de 180 pays on signé l'Accord de Paris #COP21 pour limiter la hausse des températures à 2°C. Et bien, on sait qu'on va enfoncer cette limite avant 2050 et qu'on va s'amuser.
La réalité décrite par les scientifiques s'annonce bien fun !
Petit écho à un article de 2017 et en fr. https://m.usbeketrica.com/article/changement-climatique-les-8-apocalypses-a-venir
#effondrement #hothouse-earth #climat
#cop21 #effondrement #hothouse #climat
Domino-effect of #climate events could push #Earth into a #hothouse state | #Environment | The Guardian
#climate #globalwarming #earth #hothouse #environment #climatechange