Trying the #Firefox #extension #SimpleTabGroups. Set up four groups, with hotkeys to switch directly to each, to switch to the next group, and to open the Manage Groups page, which says I can "configure hotkeys [that] will work on all windows and browser pages." That's apparently a lie.
If the active tab contains a website and I hit a hotkey, I can move from Group1 to Group4, or Group2 to NextGroup. Fine. But if the active tab is for a non-website (like a New Tab, or the Add-ons Manager or Settings page), hitting GoToNextGroup or GoToGroupN simply does not work. However, hitting the ManageGroups hotkey DOES work – as GoToPrevGroup, for which I don't even have a hotkey defined. Weird.
Weirder still, the GoTo commands also fail when I'm on addons·mozilla·org looking at an #AddOn's info page. Somehow the extension is considering this an internal system page.
Basically, I think #Vivaldi's #Workspaces does this better. It doesn't care if I'm on a blank tab or a system tab when I hit a #hotkey.
#firefox #extension #simpletabgroups #addon #vivaldi #workspaces #hotkey
@bananamangodog We need a preprogrammed #eyebleach #hotkey that immediately shows you pictures of kittens, puppies, miniature horses or cute frogs. A "baby goat" button.
Remember the #bosskey that covered your game w/ a spreadsheet?
Razer “Stream Controller X” Macro Keypad #razerstreamcontrollerx #razerstreamcontroller #streamcontrollerx #hotkeycontrolpad #streamcontroller #hotkeykeyboard #streamingdeck #macrokeypads #productivity #controlpads #macrokeypad #controlpad #streamdeck #hotkeybar #hotkeypad #loupedeck #streaming #Gadgets #gadgets #hotkeys #gadget #hotkey #razer
#razerstreamcontrollerx #razerstreamcontroller #streamcontrollerx #hotkeycontrolpad #streamcontroller #hotkeykeyboard #streamingdeck #macrokeypads #productivity #controlpads #macrokeypad #controlpad #streamdeck #hotkeybar #hotkeypad #loupedeck #streaming #gadgets #hotkeys #gadget #hotkey #razer
Relatively new #tmux user here. Can you point out a better way to exit/ detach, other than control-b & d. So often I have pressed control-d and just exited the shell. Argh.
One option is to change the #hotkey. Anything else I can do? Also #curious on what is your favorite tmux hotkey combination?
#tmux #hotkey #curious #linux #screen #ssh #bash #session #help
Text Expander - Was ist das?
Mit kurzen Phrasen und Hotkeys die tägliche Arbeit erleichtern. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.
#hotkey #Textersetzung #autokey #espanso #shortcut
Tech Tip Tuesday: For a lightning-quick way to create a blank Google doc, just type “” into the address bar of your browser. Same goes for “” and “”
credit: morning brew
#shortcut #hotkey #google #googledrive #morningbrew #newdoc #newsheet #newslide #useful #techtip
#TechTip #useful #newslide #newsheet #newdoc #morningbrew #googledrive #google #hotkey #shortcut