Razer “Stream Controller X” Macro Keypad http://toolsandtoys.net/razer-stream-controller-x-macro-keypad/ #razerstreamcontrollerx #razerstreamcontroller #streamcontrollerx #hotkeycontrolpad #streamcontroller #hotkeykeyboard #streamingdeck #macrokeypads #productivity #controlpads #macrokeypad #controlpad #streamdeck #hotkeybar #hotkeypad #loupedeck #streaming #Gadgets #gadgets #hotkeys #gadget #hotkey #razer
#razerstreamcontrollerx #razerstreamcontroller #streamcontrollerx #hotkeycontrolpad #streamcontroller #hotkeykeyboard #streamingdeck #macrokeypads #productivity #controlpads #macrokeypad #controlpad #streamdeck #hotkeybar #hotkeypad #loupedeck #streaming #gadgets #hotkeys #gadget #hotkey #razer
@jamesp @popey when our project switched from Ubuntu to Xubuntu (Unity), Linux Mint was around. We switched based on our testing on a mix of desktops and laptops and found at the time Xubuntu gave us the least troubles. We've stuck with it since. The funny thing is while Mint might look more polished, I used it exclusively on my laptop for a month and couldn't wait to get back to Xubuntu. I'm just more productive on Xubuntu. #hotkeys
I wonder what can I replace Alt+F4 with. Ctrl+Q is not a good idea 🤔
#lang_en #linux #gui #hotkeys #questions
How I go about my hotkeys (key bindings) in Emacs: https://paste.debian.net/1266864/
It should do for now…
#lang_en #emacs #key_bindings #hotkeys
7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Elgato Stream Deck (2022) - This LCD control panel is a popular tool for streamers, but you can use it to get real wo... - https://www.wired.com/story/elgato-stream-deck-productivity-tips/ #gear/products/computers #gear/products/gaming #gear/howtoandadvice #hotkeys #gear
I have been using one of my bigger keyboards lately (a 65% Quefrency).
A while back I mapped one of the macro keys to Copy and one to Paste. You wouldn't think that replacing a simply key-chord like ctrl-c with a single button would be a big deal but I find it is the single feature I miss the most when I switch to other, smaller, boards.
#keyboards #qmk #quefrency #hotkeys
Blender 3.3 Key map Info-graphic. Source: https://www.giudansky.com/illustration/infographics/blender-map
#b3d #infographic #hotkeys #shortcuts
#b3d #infographic #hotkeys #shortcuts
Firefox and Chrome don't allow to customize keyboard shortcuts. What?
I use Chromium and Firefox interchangeably now and I wanted to unify those. Apparently, there is no way. The shortcuts are mostly the same but Developer Tools and Incognito Mode are differ.
Developers should suffer, I guess.
#chrome #firefox #chromium #shortcuts #hotkeys
I've just discovered the new world of Mastodon UI keyboard shortcuts.
You should as well. That's a real joy!