I am not sure why this only became an issue months into the #SchoolYear. We are obviously not able to #accommodate everyone’s #religions to such an extreme extent, but this is why we publish our school #HotLunch menus in advance: so that you can plan to pack a lunch on days when the ordinary meal doesn’t meet your #religious #dietary #restrictions.
#schoolyear #accommodate #religions #hotlunch #religious #dietary #restrictions
I have heard from several people who never received this month's #SchoolLunchCalendar. I apologize for the inconvenience, here is another copy of the Adar #HotLunch #MealPlan.
Educationally yours,
Principal Masha Segel
#dearfamilies #schoollunchcalendar #hotlunch #mealplan #publicschool #medinatamerica
Ok, heute ist also #BandShirtFriday. Da muss ich natürlich auch noch mitmachen. CW wegen Haut und schlechter Bildqualität. 😜
#BandshirtFriday #hotlunch #stonerrock