Activity on #Openstreetmap
#hotosm-project-15468 #moroccoearthquake2023
#moroccoearthquake2023 #hotosm #openstreetmap
Cartographie humanitaire #hotosm, ça avance bien. Si vous savez cartographier, venez aider !
C'est @dmontagne qui m'avait initié à cela il y a quelques années. Une petite formation pour le public ne serait pas inutile 😉
Urgent Call for Mappers & Validators!
In the aftermath of the #earthquake in #Morocco, we need your support to help map the affected area and aid relief efforts.
Be part of this critical mission by joining the project in #HOT's Tasking Manager
Please read instructions carefully & check out training materials:
🌐 Learn OSM:
#disastermapping #HOTOSM #MoroccoEarthquake2023 #OpenStreetMap #OSM #OpenMapping
#earthquake #morocco #hot #disastermapping #hotosm #moroccoearthquake2023 #openstreetmap #osm #openmapping
Plenty of mapping to be done in support of the response to the earthquake near Marrakesh: #mapping #morocco #hotosm
Si vous savez cartographier, vous pouvez donner un coup de main à distance suite au tremblement de terre au #maroc
Bonne contribution! Courage aux gens là-bas!
Yogesh talking about mindfully updating infrastructure for #hotosm at #FOSS4GUK2023
This week on the podcast (Ep. 194) @stevenfeldman's guest is the new Executive Director of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), Rebecca Firth.
#OpenStreetMap #hotosm #geomobpod
DAMN is missing a community of developers. I know it, it's bad, but hey. The problem it solves is too simple and the requests from mappers are solved in days ( After the working hours. In a free time. (Usually at night.) Moreover, the project is #damn anyway and I know it and that is important for my mental health (repeating myself here). The summary? The #damn project is better than #hotosm #TaskingManager but it's missing a community willing to use it.
The #damn project (DAMN, :damn_project:) is a collaborative tool for mappers that wish their area to be divided up to smaller parts they can track. If you are to collaborative mapping, you probably know #TaskingManager by #hotosm (HOT TM, This thread is about differences between the two.
@orkutmuratyilmaz talking about the need to create red book for FOSS4G community for disaster response. #foss4g2023 #yercizenler #hotosm @foss4g @openstreetmap @hotosm @yercizenler
#foss4g2023 #yercizenler #hotosm
After an amazing workshop with #hotosm at @foss4g we got to test the new Field mapping tasking manager and we gave a lot of feedback on what can be better and a lot of ideas came out during the session.
The most important thing that came out during the workshop was that we need to promote and push Open Source projects to actually use open source software. No Open Source project should use Slack when there is Mattermost or Github when there is Gitlab.
Us hacktivists of @OpenLabsAlbania are doing what we can to promote FLOSS but it is a collective struggle so let's push harder. ✊
#hotosm #floss #opensource #foss4g #advocating
@categulario @climaenelcerro Hola. Gracias. Me parece de lujo el bot. Entiendo que está en pruebas. Puede ser por el nombre. El correcto es Volcán Nevado del Ruiz, se encuentra en Colombia . Precisamente estamos por estos días en una tarea de mapeo humanitario #hotosm por amenaza de erupción. @osm es buena fuente
Falls wer meinen #OpenStreetMap Vortrag zu #streetcomplete, #maproulette und #hotosm bei #glt23 verpasst hat:
#openstreetmap #streetcomplete #maproulette #hotosm #glt23
✅ :osm: Dans un article superbement illustré, @dmontagne nous parle de son travail bénévole et solidaire de validation des données au sein des campagnes #HOTOSM, le volet #humanitaire @openstreetmap :
👓 Relecture : @tetranos @geojulien
#OpenStreetMap #Geotribu :geotribu: #CartONG #qualité
#hotosm #humanitaire #OpenStreetMap #geotribu #cartong #qualite
J ai commencé à faire quelques ajouts et corrections sur #opensreetmap et aussi participer à quelques taches de #hotosm. Plutôt plus facile que je l imaginais. Du moins si j'ai bien fait :) comment rejoindre des groupes ou des équipes pr l'aspect coaching et l aspect social
Tomorrow at @OpenLabsAlbania we will gather to map Malawi. @openstreetmap @hotosm
#openlabsalbania #openstreetmap #hotosm
Next week at @OpenLabsAlbania the @openstreetmap Albania user group will mobilize to map for #Malawi after cyclone Freddy destroyed multiple cities.
#malawi #openstreetmap #hotosm #openlabs
After Cyclone Fredi hit Malawi, #hotosm started a project to contribute on mapping #Malawi. You can contribute at
#hotosm #malawi #openstreetmap
The #mapping response to the #Turkey and #Syria earthquakes has shown the power of #OSM data to support disaster response. #HOTOSM #data #maps
#mapping #turkey #syria #osm #hotosm #data #maps