@awinnef Bei Wicked Ones werden sie das flexible Magiesystem so viel mehr lieben ;-)
- #Spire
- #HotSpringsIsland
- Eine West Marches-Kampagne probieren
- #BandOfBlades
- #SwordsAndWizardry #YoonSuin
- #KoenigreichDerDornen für #SavageHeXXen
- #LegendsOfTheFiveRings ggf. aber mit #SavageWorlds
- #Dolmenwood vermutlich mit #SwordsAndWizardry, weil es mein Retroklon daheim ist.
- GDQ Kampagne
- #Deadlands
- #EyesOfTheStoneThief entweder mit #SwordsAndWizardry oder #SavageWorlds :D
#spire #hotspringsisland #bandofblades #swordsandwizardry #yoonsuin #koenigreichderdornen #savagehexxen #legendsofthefiverings #savageworlds #dolmenwood #deadlands #eyesofthestonethief
first #WorldsWithoutNumber & #HotSpringsIsland campaign drew to an end after 1 year and 18 sessions 😊
#WorldsWithoutNumber #hotspringsisland
Very intetesting session of #HonorAndIntrigue #TTRPG on #HotSpringsIsland. The PCs met a pair of double-dealing salamanders who gave them valuable information, but had a few difficult encounters with local wildlife. The cenatur (literally) stepped in a hornet's nest, which let me try out the swarm rules. While this buggy encounter offered surprising challenge to a party who've slain a dragon, they were horrified by the much deadlier swarm of stinging scarab-like insects that attacked at night.
#HonorandIntrigue #ttrpg #hotspringsisland
In today's session of Honor+Intrigue #swashbuckling #ttrpg on #HotSpringsIsland our heroes were camping in the jungle during a rainstorm when they were attacked by a pack of coppermane prowlers, electrified wingless griffins with metallic copper plumage. Their ability to transform into lightning set our wavekin wizard/cleric and NPC nereid companion into survival mode (they take extra damage from electricity).
#swashbuckling #ttrpg #hotspringsisland #paperminis
A group of adventurers ambushes a column of fire salamanders and obsidian golems on #HotSpringsIsland How did your game go this weekend?
#ttrpg @ttrpg #PaperMinis #TabletopTerrain
#hotspringsisland #ttrpg #paperminis #tabletopterrain
Online Playtest of Lavender Hack by Phil Lewis // Take on Rules
Playtesting and Gaming via Google Docs and Zoom
#hotspringsisland #lavenderhack #onlinegaming #osr #playtest #rpg #sessionreport #wrathoftheautarch
#hotspringsisland #lavenderhack #onlinegaming #osr #playtest #rpg #sessionreport #wrathoftheautarch