Ich lege mich fest, #Bluesky ist das CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet unter den Social Medias.
Man hat keinerlei Vorstellung was es eigentlich bewirkt und erklären kann man es auch nicht. 🤷
#bluesky #JustSayin #hottake #gabesdochschonbeidensimpsons
#HotTake Apparently, a lot of people didn’t like the #ObiWanKenobi show.
I DID! A lot.
#hottake #obiwankenobi #youngleia #hellothere #thestruggleisreal
The power to Silence accounts, or whole domains of them, is as necessary as the power to Unfollow or Unsubscribe. They're all ways we curate our own social media experiences, avoiding digital pollution like spam, flooding, angry rants, dogpiles, etc.
That said, probably contentious #HotTake...
No one ever questions the inclusion of Cyprus or Malta in EU and Eurovision even though one is Asia and the other in Africa, or would be if the continents were defined sensibly #hottake
This is my #YouTube #HotTake -
If you think Youtube "doesn't feel like it used to" - congrats, you have levelled up.
I've been involved directly/indirectly with YouTube since 2011, and it has gone through at least 2 "it's not like it used to be anymore" waves.
You come up in a specific niche community, you love the intimacy of it, it becomes a bigger channel (or you move on to a bigger channel) and suddenly it feels like everything "changed."
It will happen again. It's okay.
#HotTake Modern state is not the only, the best or the most natural form of government. It's a holdover from European feudalism that survived because colonialism destroyed all the alternatives.
#HotTake: The #Netherlands is a great destination for vacation, but #Amsterdam is severely overrated (because overcrowded with tourists). Go visit #Alkmaar, #Delft or #Haarlem instead, they are lovely and way less crowded. #Holland
#hottake #netherlands #amsterdam #alkmaar #delft #haarlem #holland
#Psychology #HotTake:
They should make a #horror movie based on the infamous "#SexRaft" #experiment. Don't change anything, just focus in real hard on the scientist running it as he goes further and further off the deep end when his test subjects keep having fun on the raft instead of trying to murder each other.
#humor #history #science #experiment #sexraft #horror #hottake #psychology
#HotTake: #cliffhangers are bad #writing. The end of a chapter/episode should be a good point to set it down, not some unresolved point that leaves you desperate for closure, and especially not the middle of a scene. Doubly so for the end of a book/season.
This is especially true if you're writing the season finale of a show that may be delayed by a writer's strike or canceled indefinitely because the executives got bored with it. (I'm looking at you #StarTrek)
#startrek #writing #cliffhangers #hottake
Absolut unpopulärer #hottake: #Mieten in Innenstadtlage zu begrenzen ist falsch.
Es gibt kein Recht auf günstiges Wohnen in begehrten Lagen.
Daher: #mietsteigerungen begrenzen ist iO., sollte aber relativ zum eingesetzten Kapital gedeckelt werden, zB in Abhängigkeit zum EZB Zins.
Beispiel: Wohnungswert derzeit 300k Euro, EZB Zins bei 4,25%. Von mit aus +1% Risikozuschlag.
Deckel für Kaltmiete: 15,75k Euro/Jahr.
Das würde die Investition interessant halten und Übertreibungen verhindern.
#hottake #mieten #mietsteigerungen
Olen kieltämättä huolissani supersankarielokuvien tulevaisuudesta. Ensin marvelilla alkaa alamäki ja DC tulee perässä. Blue beetlekään ei pelasta. Uusi sukupolvi voisi oikeasti olla b-luokkaa tyylillä Mikkelin Rendel vuodelta 2017. #leffahommat #hottake
En tiedä mihin oikeita taiteilijoita enää tarvitaan.
Keinoäly voisi hoitaa homman.
Just because you haven't heard of something, doesn't mean it isn't happening.
Just because you haven't seen it in the media, doesn't mean the media isn't reporting on it.