And we also voted for number 1! Guitars 'n' drums soft rock is hardly my usual genre of choice, but #DMAs do such an elegant, natural job of #Cher 's Believe that you'd swear it was one of their songs, and Cher did the cheeky dance remix #TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion
#likeaversion #triplejhottest100 #hottest100 #triplej #Cher #dmas
Our fifth vote came in at number 2: #DenzelCurry leaps outside his usual sound to rock out a #RATM song as hard as possible #TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion
#likeaversion #triplejhottest100 #hottest100 #triplej #ratm #denzelcurry
Another of my #LikeAVersion favourites
#likeaversion #moloko #roisinmurphy #hottest100 #triplej #radio
Shout out to Tones And I's cover of Gang of Youths' Achilles Come Down Didn't make the top 100 but hey, it must have been #101
#TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion #TripleJLikeAVersion #AusMusic #TonesAndI #GangOfYouths
#triplej #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #likeaversion #triplejlikeaversion #ausmusic #tonesandi #gangofyouths
😂 What a jump from #2 to #1! Here we are: the top cover of Like A Version in all time is... DMA's cover of Cher's Believe
#TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion #TripleJLikeAVersion #AusMusic #DMA #Cher
#triplej #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #likeaversion #triplejlikeaversion #ausmusic #dma #cher
Huh. This is very White Guys With Guitar and a tad boring. They must have had their fans spam the voting.
#australia #radio #hottest100 #triplej
It wasn't one of my top 10, but Denzel Curry is definitely putting the rage in Rage Against the Machine here
#TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion #TripleJLikeAVersion #AusMusic #DenzelCurry #RageAgainstTheMachine
#triplej #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #likeaversion #triplejlikeaversion #ausmusic #denzelcurry #rageagainstthemachine
I thought this would end up top three somewhere, it's #2. Very tough to cover RATM, but this is well done.
#australia #radio #hottest100 #triplej
Seeing the Lime Cordiale version of "I Touch Myself" just reminds me this Belgium Choir did a better version.
And here we are: Dumb Things at #5 with AB Original and the man himself, Paul Kelly That's now five out of my ten picks - not bad!
#TripleJ #TripleJLikeAVersion #LikeAVersion #AusMusic #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #PaulKelly #ABOriginal
#triplej #triplejlikeaversion #likeaversion #ausmusic #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #paulkelly #aboriginal
And my fourth pick in at #6: Gang of Youth's covering The Middle East's Blood Love the strings in this one.
#TripleJ #TripleJLikeAVersion #LikeAVersion #AusMusic #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #GangOfYouths #TheMiddleEast
#triplej #triplejlikeaversion #likeaversion #ausmusic #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #gangofyouths #themiddleeast
My third pick for top 10 comes in at #7: King Stingray's cover of Coldplay's Yellow Amazing.
#TripleJ #TripleJLikeAVersion #LikeAVersion #AusMusic #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #KingStingray #Coldplay
#triplej #triplejlikeaversion #likeaversion #ausmusic #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #kingstingray #coldplay
Good god I cannot stand Coldplay no matter who does their mediocre songs.
Getting real nervous about a few of my #hottest100 votes that I really don't think are going to be in the top 7
😆 Number ten is the Wiggles
#australia #radio #hottest100 #triplej
Dune Rats just missing out on the top ten with their cover of The Angels Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?
#TripleJ #Hottest100 #TripleJHottest100 #LikeAVersion #TripleJLikeAVersion #AusMusic #DuneRats #TheAngels
#triplej #hottest100 #triplejhottest100 #likeaversion #triplejlikeaversion #ausmusic #dunerats #theangels