Crypto Betting Platform Comfirms Hacking Incident, Over $40 Million Worth of Assets Stolen - Crypto betting platform confirmed on Sept. 4 that an unknown entity had ... - #cryptobetting #digitalassets #cryptocasino #hotwallet #drake #news
#news #drake #stake #hotwallet #cryptocasino #digitalassets #cryptobetting
Don't forget to include your #web3 assets in your estate planning.
I spoke on this very topic last week at NYU at an event created by @nysba.
#EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
#web3 #EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
Crypto exchange Bitrue suffers $23M hack due to hot wallet eploit - Bitrue executives promised to compensate in full all the identifi... - #cryptocurrencyexchange #cryptocurrencies #hotwallet #hacks
#hacks #hotwallet #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrencyexchange
Metamask addresses privacy concerns with new features for enhanced control - The new features allow a user to manage which servers are able to... - #mobilewallet #hotwallet #wallet
#wallet #hotwallet #mobilewallet
How to keep your crypto safe in 2023: a few tips from an analyst - Lead on-chain analyst at Glassnode, James Check, explains why tak... - #cryptocurrencyexchange #cryptocurrencies #hardwarewallet #cybersecurity #bitcoinwallet #recoveryseed #mobilewallet #selfcustody #privatekeys #seedphrase #hotwallet #security #password #wallet
#wallet #password #security #hotwallet #seedphrase #privatekeys #selfcustody #mobilewallet #recoveryseed #bitcoinwallet #cybersecurity #hardwarewallet #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrencyexchange
MetaMask rolls out NFT portfolio value tracker with new partnership
#Cryptocurrencies #Hotwallet #MetaMask #Wallet
#cryptocurrencies #hotwallet #metamask #wallet
Deribit crypto exchange halts withdrawals amid $28M hot wallet hack
#CryptocurrencyExchange #Cryptocurrencies #Hotwallet #Security #Hacks
#cryptocurrencyexchange #cryptocurrencies #hotwallet #security #Hacks
Crypto Custody: It’s Not One-Size-Fits All. Which Type Should You Use?
#CoinbaseCustody #Cryptocurrency #CryptoCustody #ColdWallet #HotWallet #Markets #storage #crypto
#coinbasecustody #cryptocurrency #cryptocustody #coldwallet #hotwallet #markets #storage #crypto
Solana-hacked crypto could be claimed as a tax loss: Experts
#Hotwallet #Hackers #Solana #Wallet #Hacks
#hotwallet #hackers #solana #wallet #Hacks
Aprendida tengo esta máxima: no debemos confiarnos, en la mente siempre tener en cuenta qué, tratándose de #Bitcoin al menos, siempre puede haber hardware o software comprometido.
Nada sale mal, hasta que sale mal, suena a perogrullada, pero es así!!
RT @Lunaticoin
Guardar tus #bitcoin en una #hotwallet, en tu ordenador de uso habitual, es una muy mala idea.
Existe demasiado malware como para creer que tú no vas a caer algún…
@NicolasDorier @hugo @MrHodl @bitcoinshirt
A kind of prepaid trusted custodian account in BTCPay is a great idea. Can notify both sides for top-up and depletion etc., and manage recurring withdrawals and cancellation. But needs a #hotwallet?