(2/2)...less than 3 minutes after getting the Maiden shirt. I got my three water bottle delivery as well!
Cool as fuck and definitely not an old man etc etc.
Not one fuck given 😮😂
#ironmaiden #hotwaterbottle #notonefuckgiven #thekenden
#thekenden #notonefuckgiven #hotwaterbottle #ironmaiden
How long should you use your hot water bottle? Five years? How can I find out when it was made? https://bit.ly/3VPPJr1 #ColdWeather #HotWaterBottle #Safety
#coldweather #hotwaterbottle #safety
A love letter to hot water bottles:
Heating the air instead is such an inefficient way to heat people. This article is a good reminder of that and inspires me to experiment with more local heating methods.
Now let me go find my #hotwaterbottle...
#degrowth #energycrisis #climatechange #permaculture #solarpunk
#hotwaterbottle #degrowth #energycrisis #climatechange #permaculture #solarpunk
Keeping my feet comfortably warm while at the home office desk. Yes that's a #HotWaterBottle. #cosy
Day 38 of being alive
One of my humans gifted me this other human. It is nice and warm. Like a hot water bottle...
#hotwaterbottle #hugs #MaineCoon #Kitten #catsofmastodon #MastoCats #OriTheFluffball
#hotwaterbottle #hugs #mainecoon #kitten #catsofmastodon #mastocats #orithefluffball
Underestimated almost forgotten object:
#hotwaterbottle #heating #winter #cold #forgotten
Just discovered (via @clivethompson) Low Tech Magazine and this excellent history of the hot water bottle and various other low-tech thermal conduction devices from around the world:
#lowtech #hotwaterbottle #energyefficiency
The advantage of working from home is that you can strategically use your mug of tea as a hot water bottle without people looking at you like you're crazy. 😂
#winter #warmth #hotwaterbottle #tea
My OH is revelling in stubbornly not putting on the heating.
Fortunately I grew up without central heating or duvets, so I'm just as stubborn as he.
Thank goodness for hot water bottles and my years spent crocheting blankets.
Remarkably snug and comfy for 9.9c
#heating #HotWaterBottle #blanket #Wales #Pembrokeshire
#pembrokeshire #Wales #blanket #hotwaterbottle #heating
@PaulForCoffee @flowersstorms a #hotwaterbottle helps no end to keep warm :) #elevensestime
#hotwaterbottle #elevensestime
In the UK right now, the greeting is “are you keeping warm?” . The reply is a list a ways to keep warm without turning on the gas/oil. Good for the environment and would rather freeze than pay a penny more to the greedy corps. #hotwaterbottle
In the UK right now, the greeting is “are you keeping warm?” . The reply is a list a ways to keep warm without turning on the gas/oil. Good for the environment and would rather freeze than pay a penny more to the greedy corps. #hotwaterbottle
It's hot water bottle time. Yes.
#HotWaterBottle #WarmFeet #Bliss #Again #EveryTime #ItNeverGetsOld #IMightNotKeepPostingThough
#hotwaterbottle #warmfeet #bliss #again #everytime #itnevergetsold #imightnotkeeppostingthough
The past two days have been sad, traumatic and painful.
An aunt's funeral followed by my OH admitted to hospital with pneumonia and my head is now banging. Tonight is all about #Christmas
movies and an early night with my #cats #blanket #HotWaterBottle #jimjams
#jimjams #hotwaterbottle #blanket #cats #christmas
Just so I can actually easily find it next time: https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2022/01/the-revenge-of-the-hot-water-bottle.html (Revenge of the Hot Water Bottle).
A bunch #solarpunk optimisation tips for using a #hotWaterBottle.
Hashtag index: #hotWaterBottles #energyConservation #stayWarm #lowTech #LowTechMagazine #TheRevengeOfTheHotWaterBottle
#solarpunk #hotwaterbottle #hotwaterbottles #energyconservation #staywarm #lowtech #lowtechmagazine #therevengeofthehotwaterbottle
Just got my strategy for more effective warmth: long hot water bottle (https://www.argos.co.uk/product/7982523). Currently toasty with it draped over a shoulder. #hotwaterbottle
Deeply pleased with how this #pochie from Kate Davies Design & Co's Allover pattern club is coming out. The pattern comes with several colourways and I've done the simplest two colour one - only I'm using this very variegated handspun which is really standing out against some plain Hebridean sheep wool in a natural dark brown. It's a hot water bottle cover, very timely!
Website is https://kddandco.com/looking-for-something/allover/
#knitting #colourwork #colourwork #fairisle #HotWaterBottle #handmade
#pochie #knitting #colourwork #fairisle #hotwaterbottle #handmade