Awesome cover 😍
#hotwatermusic #chuckragan #punkrock
Les évidences, on passe souvent à côté. Ici, c'est Hot Water Music qui connaît son heure de grâce (au sens de mes oreilles) avec deux albums: No Division et A Flight and A Crash dont voici le titre éponyme. 2 minutes 08 de pure patate.
Juste en dessous, la version live en 1'55''. #hotwatermusic #punkstodon #punkrock
#hotwatermusic #punkstodon #punkrock I love the band #HotWaterMusic. A little different from the other music that gets posted on this instance but I love them just the same and won’t be shy about sharing. Melodic punk/hardcore. This is a Philadelphia based YT channel that does excellent work with this style music. #Hate5Six is the channels name. I love music from the band #HotWaterMusic. A little different from the other music that gets posted on this instance but I love them. Melodic punk/hardcore.
#gunsn #guttermouth #h2o #hotwatermusic #iagainsti #ignite #lagwagon #larsfrederiksenandthebastards #latterman #LessThanJake #lifetime #madball #madcaddies #mefirstandthegimmegimmes #millencolin #MinorThreat #misfits #muchthesame #mute #mxpx #newbombturks #newyorkdolls #nofunatall #nofx #nonemoreblack #notrigger #NoUseForAName #offwiththeirheads #onehiddenframe #onlycrime
Have seen Chuck Ragan more often than my parents this year. #hotwatermusic