Jom kita Terokai Musim Panas Negara Jepun Dengan Melihat Keindahan Pelbagai Aktiviti Warga Kampus
##Health&LifeStyle #Bad #Celcius #Education #hot #hotweather #Japan #Jr_PakuMidin #Kumamoto #Kumamotodestinations #Kumamototour #Kumamototravel #Kumamototrip #Kumamotovacation #mountain #summer #travel #VeryHot #熊本
#health #bad #celcius #education #hot #hotweather #japan #jr_pakumidin #kumamoto #kumamotodestinations #kumamototour #kumamototravel #kumamototrip #kumamotovacation #mountain #summer #travel #veryhot #熊本
Heute Baden im Zugersee und anschliessend etwas Kleines essen in Immensee :blobcataww:
#hotweather #zugersee #lake #dogs #dogsofmastodon #zentralschweiz #switzerland
#switzerland #zentralschweiz #dogsofmastodon #dogs #lake #zugersee #hotweather
El Nino's back — prepare for drought, hunger and diseases
#ElNino #weather #heatwave #heatwave #heatwaves #disaster #foodsecurity #hotweather
#hotweather #foodsecurity #disaster #heatwaves #heatwave #weather #elnino
No baixo Alentejo está tudo fechado e às escuras. A temperatura marca 38° Celsius. 🌞
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Heat warnings issued for Okanagan, Fraser Canyon #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #centralokanagan #NorthOkanagan #southokanagan #weatherwaring #FraserCanyon #HeatWarning #HotWeather #BCweather #penticton #Okanagan #Weather #Kelowna #Lytton #Vernon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #centralokanagan #NorthOkanagan #southokanagan #weatherwaring #FraserCanyon #heatwarning #hotweather #BCweather #penticton #okanagan #Weather #kelowna #Lytton #Vernon
😭☀️ Do Not Want 🙅🏽 #Vancouver #Summer #Heat #Hot #HotWeather
#vancouver #summer #heat #hot #hotweather
It's so bloody hot in here! But I still prefer fans over aircon... #globalwarming #hongkong #weather #hker #hotweather
#globalwarming #hongkong #weather #hker #hotweather
Global News BC: Heat warnings in place for much of B.C. Central Interior, parts of North #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #hotweathersafety #ClimateChange #HeatWarning #HotWeather #HeatAlert #Weather #Warning #hotsun #Summer #Heat
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #hotweathersafety #climatechange #heatwarning #hotweather #heatalert #Weather #warning #hotsun #summer #heat
Global News BC: Heat wave continues to sizzle across Canada with weather warnings #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #Temperaturetoday #Ontarioheatwave #Weatherwarnings #CanadaHeatWave #heatwaveCanada #quebecheatwave #SummerHeatWave #Environment #CanadaNews #HotWeather #HeatWave #Weather
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #temperaturetoday #ontarioheatwave #Weatherwarnings #canadaheatwave #heatwavecanada #quebecheatwave #summerheatwave #environment #CanadaNews #hotweather #heatwave #Weather
Chief: Why is it so hot?
Me: It’s the weather; there’s nothing I can do about it.
Chief: You’re a human. You’d make it change if YOU wanted it to.
Me: 😳
Chief: [side eyes] It’s hot.
#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #pdxwx #orwx #PDX #ClimateChange #HotWeather
#cats #catsofmastodon #pdxwx #orwx #pdx #climatechange #hotweather
Veduta sulla città, fa caldo. Sembra prenda fuoco.
View of the city, it's hot. It seems like it's catching fire.
#cityview #hotsummerdays #scorchingheat #fieryskyline #summervibes #heatwave #burningcity #fieryscenery #summerheat #hotweather #italian #vedutacitta #caldoestivo #afa #skylineinfuocata #atmosferaestiva #ondatadicalore #cittainfiamme #paesaggioinfuocato #temperaturealte
it's capitalism, stupid!
#fish #pollution #water #sewage #FarmChemicals #HotWeather #capitalism
#fish #pollution #water #sewage #farmchemicals #hotweather #capitalism
If you like the heat, you'll like this news. The Weather Service says there's a good chance of above-normal temperatures this summer. #hotweather #summervibes #july4
Original tweet :
#hotweather #summervibes #july4
With the #HotWeather we've been experiencing we've taken to leaving the windows open. Unfortunately because they're open most of the day we sometimes forget and leave the house with one or more left open.
Got one of these to trial on my #Zigbee #HomeAssistant set up. See how well it works and if I can set-up some sort of alert when it detects we've both left the house. Depends on how quickly presence detection works I suppose.
It's tiny though. Much smaller than I was expecting. #Aqara
#hotweather #zigbee #homeassistant #aqara
I think the current weather on Skye is exceptional. I much prefer the cooler summer days.
We are not used to hot weather. I find it difficult to do anything other than my basic activities. This is what it looked like after 6pm when the day was cooling off. Looks cool enough but heat plays a part in their creation.
OH has defrosted all of the leftovers “so we actually use them up.” It’s 23°C outside and I’m having broth for lunch. #lunch #hotweather
RT @surrealhk_@TW: PK DUCK
天氣酷熱, 小心燒熟!
#北京鴨 #pekingduck #happyhongkong #hotweather #hellohongkong #photoshop #madewithphotoshop… #t2m
#t2m #madewithphotoshop #photoshop #hellohongkong #hotweather #happyhongkong #pekingduck #北京鴨