Tonight we'll be continuing "MOPs Mondays"! We're going to look at how to use MOPs within the dynamics context of #Houdini. Join the stream at 6pm ET tonight. This series of streams will be helpful for any motion graphics people that want to get their feet wet in Houdini. Bring your questions and ideas!
#sidefx #vfx @motionoperators #motionGraphics #motiondesign #mograph
#houdini #sidefx #vfx #motiongraphics #motiondesign #mograph
A project that generates real world meshes in Houdini using the Google API. My python library for handling GLTF files is one little piece of it which is amazing.
#houdini #googleapi #gltf #foss
Is there a blazingly fast cli mesh processor out there? Think ffmpeg for #3D data?
My use case, generate decimated (low res mesh, tri's are fine) geo from an input #alembic
Has anyone worked with #OpenMesh at all? Is it worth exploring?
#Maya via #Mayapy is painfully slow. I could also consid #blender via it pypi package, or #houdini but will need to test those.
#3d #alembic #openmesh #maya #mayapy #blender #houdini #pipelinetd #pipeline #animation
In about an hour (8pm ET) we'll be working on some HeightField animation in #Houdini. Come join and bring your questions, comments, or anything you want to talk about. Hope to see you there! for Discord Invite, stream links, and past recordings.
TIL that nuke will load in a #houdini .chan file if you right click in a parameter box and choose ascii. Information I failed to obtain by googling, I learned it from a colleague. Cue John Cardinal Newman’s insight about autodidacts
The stream is live, and tonight will be the first #MOPsMonday! We'll be looking at the awesome
@motionoperators tools. Come join on Twitch at
#mopsmonday #motiongraphics #motiondesign #houdini #sidefx #mops
Join the stream on Mondays in Sept. for #MOPsMondays! We'll be using the @motionoperators tools to create some #Houdini fun. Tomorrow (9/4) we'll be live at 6pm ET. Hope to see you there. for previous streams, Discord invite, and schedule.
#mopsmondays #houdini #sidefx #vfx #motiongraphics #mograph
The #houdini hive recordings from #siggraph have been posted. Super useful stuff here!
I am loving pdg/TOPs. Actually quoting a co-worker: "Are you loving TOPs or what?" We are nerds. But theTOP network nodes are annoying the way they get big and little all the time! #houdini
So on an Attribute Wrangle node you can Get a value from a channel with:
float cam_hieght = chf("camera_hieght");
but does anyone know if I can Set a value, so basically the reverse?
I'm trying something, but it might not work ;)
#houdini #solaris #sidefx #pipelinetd #pipeline #animation
Tonight at 8pm ET we're going to talk about #MOPs. Bring your questions and thoughts for me to tackle in some upcoming streams. I want to hear what you're interested in learning! Also, a fun bonus stream is coming next month.
I've also added a "Past Streams" section to so you can find all of the streams in order in another place.
#mops #sidefx #houdini #vfx #motiondesign #motiongraphics
Just added a feature to our USD asset turntable. It now has a helix camera move that gives a closeup render of the asset from bottom to top.
#houdini #solaris #techart #pipelinejournal #openusd #animation
#houdini #solaris #techart #pipelinejournal #openusd #animation
Making some pines with #b3d #thegrove3d #houdini and #gaffer
#b3d #thegrove3d #houdini #gaffer
“Out of my line of vision, badly named attribute “ Saul Steinberg via #houdini
It's been a while since I've done it, so tonight we're going to have another Live Q&A session. Bring whatever is on your mind and we can chat about it live. See you tonight (08/23) at 8pm ET! If you can't make it, reply here with your questions.
Never thought I'd see the day... but we've got a client using Arnold who wants to have both arnold procedurals and usd files rendered via the automated turntable. Took some thinking, but actually got it working one to one. Arnoldproc's take a bit of manhandling to function nicely in solaris. 💪
#houdini #arnold #openusd #solaris
Karma XPU: A Houdini 20 Preview with Brian Sharpe.
Learn about the latest improvements to Karma XPU – SideFX's USD-based GPU/CPU renderer.
#3d #rendering #karmaxpu #sidefx #houdini #siggraph2023