⚠️ Confirmed: Metrics show a disruption to internet connectivity in and around Sanandaj, #Kurdistan Province in #Iran on 8 December; the ~7 hour incident comes amid after the killing of #HoumanAbdollahi and protests over the execution of #MohsenShekari
#mohsenshekari #kurdistan #iran #houmanabdollahi
⚠️ Confirmed: Metrics show a disruption to internet connectivity in and around Sanandaj, #Kurdistan Province in #Iran on 8 December; the ~7 hour incident comes amid the killing of #HoumanAbdollahi and protests over the execution of #MohsenShekari
#mohsenshekari #kurdistan #iran #houmanabdollahi
RT @HichkasOfficial
Yesterday & today, 2 Iranian protesters were murdered by the Islamic Republic. #HoumanAbdollahi was shot in the streets, & #MohsenShekari was executed. Hundreds of freedom seekers have been murdered by IR during #IranRevolution, & they're trying to execute many more.
#houmanabdollahi #mohsenshekari #iranrevolution #mahsaamini
RT @HichkasOfficial@twitter.com
Yesterday & today, 2 Iranian protesters were murdered by the Islamic Republic. #HoumanAbdollahi was shot in the streets, & #MohsenShekari was executed. Hundreds of freedom seekers have been murdered by IR during #IranRevolution, & they're trying to execute many more.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HichkasOfficial/status/1600786341662699522
#MahsaAmini #iranrevolution #mohsenshekari #houmanabdollahi
#HoumanAbdollahi #MohsenShekari #SamanYasin #Fahimeh_Karimi #NikaShakrami #ShivaMafakheri #PegahMoghimi #HiroShaikhAleslami #ArmitaAbbasi #FarnooshAsmi #RouzbehSohani #AidaOmidi #ToomajSalehi #MehranSamak #YaldaAghafazli #HadisNajafi #SarinaEsmailzadeh #KianPirfalak#MehrshadShahidi #NikaShakarimi #AylarHaghi #AtefehNaami #HamidrezaRouhi #GhazalehChalavi #MinooMajidi #HannaneKia #NeginAbdolmaleki #MahakHashemi #KhodanoorLajali #ArshiaEmamgholizadeh #AsraPanahi #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution 💚🤍❤️
#houmanabdollahi #mohsenshekari #samanyasin #fahimeh_karimi #nikashakrami #shivamafakheri #pegahmoghimi #hiroshaikhaleslami #armitaabbasi #farnooshasmi #rouzbehsohani #aidaomidi #toomajsalehi #mehransamak #yaldaaghafazli #hadisnajafi #sarinaesmailzadeh #kianpirfalak #nikashakarimi #aylarhaghi #atefehnaami #hamidrezarouhi #ghazalehchalavi #minoomajidi #hannanekia #neginabdolmaleki #mahakhashemi #khodanoorlajali #arshiaemamgholizadeh #asrapanahi #mahsaamini #iranrevolution
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
Rest In peace brave #HoumanAbdollahi.
This 21-year-old Kurdish-Iranian was shot by the Islamist regime while he was protesting in #Sanandaj.
Regime officials have stolen his body and his family couldn’t hold a proper funeral for this brave soul.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1600614865822949377
#IranRevolution #Sanandaj #houmanabdollahi
RT @AlinejadMasih@twitter.com
Rest In peace brave #HoumanAbdollahi.
This 21-year-old Kurdish-Iranian was shot by the Islamist regime while he was protesting in #Sanandaj.
Regime officials have stolen his body and his family couldn’t hold a proper funeral for this brave soul.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1600614865822949377
#iranrevolution #Sanandaj #houmanabdollahi
Rest In peace brave #HoumanAbdollahi.
This 21-year-old Kurdish-Iranian was shot by the Islamist regime while he was protesting in #Sanandaj.
Regime officials have stolen his body and his family couldn’t hold a proper funeral for this brave soul.
#IranRevolution • Source: https://nitter.net/AlinejadMasih/status/1600614865822949377#m
#iranrevolution #Sanandaj #houmanabdollahi