Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
195 followers · 380 posts · Server mastodon.art

I am happy with the time I spent figuring out this cut paper technique last night. : being excited about what I’m making, reconnecting with a friend, having a good man in my life, the growing things in my house, one month until comic expo.

#houraday #FanArt #DigitalArt #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
193 followers · 364 posts · Server mastodon.art

This weekend’s s are spent working digitally on items for the local comic expo coming up in April. This one is a detail shot of a tree for a post of four hobbits in a “Studio Ghibli” style. Or as the Smöl Nerdchild calls “Studio Gimli” style. 😂

: my family supporting my creative time, getting my rebate cheque from the local coop (just in time), a warm house on a snowy day, sleeping in, having breakfast made for me.

#5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
191 followers · 354 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s is Mediation #8: Moving Apart. Still running that split primary palette, and thinking about how space can feel in relationships.

: chinooks, my sweet cat, the gradual return of routine, the upcoming long weekend, space to take a pause.

#5dailygratitudes #MastoArt #watercolour #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
191 followers · 353 posts · Server mastodon.art

Continuing with the split primary palette today’s is Meditation # 7: Dreamscape. The colours are the same as the previous painting, but softened with more water and less pigment. A pastel exploration of dreams and dreamers.

: the healing power of sleep, self-care in the form of paying bills and taking my vitamins, nourishing soup for supper, a special coffee with my fella, being in my own home.

#MastoArt #watercolor #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
191 followers · 349 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s is a split primary painting - a warm red, blue and yellow and a cool red, blue and yellow with an addition of a metallic silver paint. I love how many varieties and intensities of colours I can make with just these paints.

: a clean pallet, a hot cup of coffee, a chance to get outside, my cozy house, machines that wash my stuff.

#MastoArt #watercolor #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
191 followers · 348 posts · Server mastodon.art

Todays . Meditation #6: Darkness (There is a crack in everything).

I am learning that even in the dark there is almost always a way to find the light.

: My brother and sister-in-law who are also my friends, my guy who helps me find good things every day, my sweet kitty who still loves bird watching, my “step-brother” who is kind beyond measure, my kids who keep me laughing with inappropriate jokes.

#MastoArt #watercolor #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
189 followers · 346 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s is a meditation life journeys. All of us travel through time living our lives. There are times of growth and times when we stay still. Here is to the pain and joy of growth without which we would never find out who our true selves are.

: the kindness of my coworkers, migraine medication, learning new things, my morning coffee date, inner strength.

#watercolor #MastoArt #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
189 followers · 344 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s painting is a meditation on connection. We have so many connections in our lives, lovers, friends, family. The forms of those are all different but vital to our existence as humans.

: Family dinners, quiet time, my adult children who make me a proud mom, a plan for the week, finding contentment in routine.

#watercolor #MastoArt #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
189 followers · 339 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s painting is a meditation on dayspring, thinking about how we change our view of the world as is the sun rises. The same way that we feel different about ourselves when we are basking in the light.

: a gratifying job, deep sleep, my cozy home, quiet time for thinking, the weekend.

#watercolor #MastoArt #5dailygratitudes #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
190 followers · 336 posts · Server mastodon.art

Today’s meditation was on flow. I was thinking about how water flows from the mountains to the sea, and the flow of our lives through it’s different stages.

: grown-up love, supporting the people who mean the most, watching the sun rise, releasing the future and focusing on the present, growth.

, meditation painting there is something joyful about touching the edges of each circle of paint and watching merge and blend, or push each other away.

#watercolor #MastoArt #houraday #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
189 followers · 334 posts · Server mastodon.art

: finding treasures at garage sales, getting help from my kids, clear blues skies, painting time, giving and receiving

Today’s was spent thinking about giving and receiving, how paints push and pull at each other and how eventually that balances out.

#MastoArt #watercolour #houraday #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
188 followers · 332 posts · Server mastodon.art

: the wisdom of my children, finding space to create, enjoying my home, the sound and sparkle of fresh snow, remembering to be kind to myself.

painting, a meditation on finding creative space and time. Watercolour on paper 5x7.

#MastoArt #houraday #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
188 followers · 331 posts · Server mastodon.art

: daily painting, my amazing family, vivid dreams, enjoying the plants in the house, appreciating the mild weather while we have it

#MastoArt #houraday #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
187 followers · 329 posts · Server mastodon.art

: splashing around in my studio, chatting with my kids in the morning, new notebooks, planning for comic expo, sleeping deeply


#houraday #MastoArt #5dailygratitudes

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
189 followers · 322 posts · Server mastodon.art

Slowly working away at my practice. I’ve been burning through paper remembering how my paints work and the properties of different paints (some push others away in a wet wash, others blend) last night I pulled 8 random tubes from my paint box for a palette to make some art with and for these beauties. What can you imagine with these paints? (Ultramarine violet, cascade green, iridescent gold, quinacridone pink, Windsor purple, lunar black, quinacridone gold, French ultramarine blue)


Last updated 2 years ago

Martha Crimson · @MarthaCrimson
224 followers · 4836 posts · Server mastodon.art

A while ago I realised the strange knobs on my fingers weren't warts, they're a sign I'm getting arthritis. It's an illness that put my grandmother in a wheelchair. Being a traditional artist I've pushed going digital, because it's frustrating being a noob after a long time of skill. But I may soon need a tool I can adjust to what my hands can take, and that day I want to know what I'm doing. So today I spent my hour cursing my stylus etc...

#DigitalArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #art #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Martha Crimson · @MarthaCrimson
216 followers · 4763 posts · Server mastodon.art

Ok, nothing I can do will fix what I'm discontent with (not telling), so I'll finish up today by closing "halos" (ie. the white parts around a character drawn before the background) and enhancing contrast as much as possible. I'm still happy with the festival feel, and those lanterns works out well.

#MastoArt #CreativeToots #art #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathleen Ralph❄️☃️ · @KathleenR
187 followers · 315 posts · Server mastodon.art

finally getting some energy back to finish the ink work on these birch trees. I’ll call these done. 5x7 and ink on paper

#MastoArt #watercolour #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Martha Crimson · @MarthaCrimson
218 followers · 4633 posts · Server mastodon.art

Weird how adding those stones made the pic better. I could work more on fixing things, but I have a feeling I'm nearing over-fixing territory, so next session is adding contrast and contours to wrap things up.

#MastoArt #art #CreativeToots #creativetoot #wip #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago

Martha Crimson · @MarthaCrimson
218 followers · 4628 posts · Server mastodon.art

I'm _finally_ on the stage 'fix happy accidents'. So far I haven't used reference - it's kind of against the rules in this improv. OTH "fixes" that go on to break the picture irks me too. I'll think it over untill tomorrow.

(Edit: added a tag.)

#wipwednesday #MastoArt #CreativeToots #art #wip #houraday

Last updated 2 years ago