#Kubernetes question for the fedi:
How do you convert webhook formats in a #homelab environment? For example, converting #botkube 'generic webhook' payload to feed #gotify
Lots of people seem to use #nodered, but that is a lot for a json transform.
Difficulty: It is part of the alerting pipe, so it should be as durable as possible. (As durable as something running on the same infra can be.)
I saw https://github.com/adnanh/webhook with simple python or curl scripts, but even with #defenseindepth (networkpolicy, securitycontext, etc) shell scripts seem hacky at best and a Bad Idea at worst.
Some form of #serverless would probably work, but that means finding, installing and learning a new #framework that hopefully won't become a huge headache in a week or a year.
The old #housebrain uses git-backed #nodered and it is a huge pain to maintain. (Mostly thanks to my design.) I'm doing it better this time.
#kubernetes #homelab #botkube #gotify #nodered #defenseindepth #serverless #framework #housebrain #boost #k8s #k3s #selfhosted