Emory L. · @emory
216 followers · 2083 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i know it's a constant whack-a-mole but i still try to minimize the tracking and profiling for the devices in my house. sometimes that means i need to take five minutes to figure out why doesn't work on homenet and it turns out it's because sdk and auth endpoints are required when Route is launched.

problem solved, but now i gotta look at where else lookups for `*.split.io` were happening!

#routeapp #split_io #householdIT #adguard

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
204 followers · 1992 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i am replacing every i own because i am sick and tired of the one at my desk in IOW sometimes just clicking off entirely without warning. it doesn't even log an event for it. if i do a self test, it switches the whole thing off and doesn't record an event about that either.

their software LIES and only actually communicates with the UPS about every other reboot/failure. after doing some looking around it's a common problem.


#cyberpower #ups #householdIT

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
202 followers · 1982 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

aw man is not going to make computers anymore. i was planning on getting a pair to replace my existing household hypervisor with a pair of NUCs for high availability :joy:


#intel #nuc #proxmox #householdIT

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
190 followers · 1959 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

if you bought a a couple of years ago don't go see what it costs now. i was too curious to not try an RX 580 in a thunderbolt chassis from OWC as an and it's great but i could buy that card for 20% of the price i paid now or probably get something that would really make a meow!

#gpu #egpu #hashcat #householdIT #graphics

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
186 followers · 1929 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i'm not feeling super great about the fact that my creative workstation was updating Ventura to 13.4 but it stalled out and now i'm running 13.3 and `softwareupdate` doesn't even say 13.4 is available :grimace:

my employer's workstation updated with incident. i have an iCloud Content Cache in the house and it runs on this machine, so i'm trying to figure out if i can sort it out before i chicken out and reboot to see if that changes anything.

#macOS #householdIT #mac

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
186 followers · 1923 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

power outage off sycamore in , c-note woke me up because the tv needed a charge 😂

"and also the family room is BEEPING"

i muted three -en and went back to bed for 30mins 😆 the in the rack is great: primary NAS, switch and fiber ont/onu, and dream machine stayed up the whole time ~45mins.

the at my desk has been collapsing for no discernible reason it's gotta go.

#IOW #ups #tripplite #unifi #cyberpower #householdIT

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
168 followers · 1639 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

we have writing jokes for us this morning via and my 7yo just upstaged the punchline on this one:

the aunties: "what did the pencil say to the pencil sharpener"


which cracked me up.

the real punchline was "stop going in circles and get to the point" which isn't as good as the previous one "why is the tomato red?"

"because it saw the salad dressing"

#openai #siri #householdIT #chatgpt #morning

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
168 followers · 1505 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i'm a fan of using to leave myself hints on e.g. "what is the range of addresses on my homenet?" or "what is the dhcp server i'm using on this g-ddamnned network?"

host -t txt or a lookup for `dhcp.iow.kvet.ch` when i'm back here in ; s/iow/phl in obv ;)

#dns #householdIT #dhcp #IOW #PHL

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
165 followers · 1468 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

my hella fast thunderbolt zpool (two mirrored vdevs of course) did a scrub of about 3TB in 40 minutes 😆 and usb mechanical USB3 mirror took about 3 hours to scrub 1.8TB of backups and iCloud content cache.

#nvme #zfs #storage #householdIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
164 followers · 1414 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

my monitoring project continues and i've deployed on a synology filer via . i don't know if that will be sufficient to gather the sorts of metrics i am interested in yet but it's in my dashboard.

i see a lot of "data backlog of 10 minutes" alerts that i don't know how to interpret because i have a redundant read/write ssd cache and i find it hard to believe anything is waiting 10+ minutes for anything but i haven't dug in yet.

#netdata #docker #householdIT #dashboards

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
160 followers · 1332 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

alright , have it your way.

#synology #householdIT #cache

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
159 followers · 1286 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

There are Samsung 2TB 2.5" SATA SSDs for $140 on Amazon rn and if you've been considering building a pure-flash zpool for your important work but didn't want to go the thunderbolt NVME gen4 route you could build a very inexpensive and extremely responsive alternative with a JBOD.

The 4TB ones are $300.

two mirrored vdevs is fast as hell for reads and writes and you would also want to buy at least one external USB disk for backups of the pool!

#zfs #storage #householdIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
159 followers · 1271 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i am the worst at returning things that i don't like or can't use. so today i am regretting i didn't finish clicking the one more button in my browser tab to return a faulty seagate drive and more importantly an SSD that doesn't work in the synology

day late $20 short. the other one i can return still and i'll RMA the seagate eventually lord knows i take a while to do that but i would like to have a spare on-hand so i guess i gotta!

#householdIT #storage #returns

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
159 followers · 1245 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

apparently the m2 ssds i got for my filer aren't visible to the synology for some reason but they're not defective, i can newfs them on two macs and a linux machine so i don't know the problem.

it was a pair of these Silicon Power 512GB A55 M.2 SSD... amazon.com/dp/B07FPKTBTH?ref=p which are the same interface as the old one i was using until it went critical so i will shop their officially supported options. not sure what the problem could be.

#synology #householdIT #storage

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
159 followers · 1229 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

something went weird with the iCloud Content Cache at my house and it was making other things behave weirdly. photos would take forever to sync around, i answer a facetime call and then my iPad says i have a call from the person i'm talking to on my phone, etc.

so i've scrapped that device, made a zfs dataset with `com.apple.mimic=hfs` and set that as my cache volume and turned the switch and now we'll see what happens i guess!

#householdIT #icloud #contentcache #storage

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
160 followers · 1167 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i am interested in for one or both of my kids. it would provide emergency assistance, let them call friends, podcasts, music, messaging.

some of my 10yos friends have phones but i am really not into social media for kids and the standalone option is really appealing.

so it's not as cool but it's also not a barrage of bullshit on a regular cadence? the 7yo and 10yo have iPads (wifi) but i am curious how kids like Watch solo.

#applewatch #familysetup #kids #socialmedia #safety #householdIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
152 followers · 959 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i think i have defeated the "stupid make-believe-RAID My Book Duo by pulling one of the disks, forcing it to fail, and then newfs it in order to unshackle it from whatever janky "encrypted" "protection" it has.

good news: you can, in fact, run it in so it's actually useful for reliably storing data once i create a new pool using that pair of 10TB disks for
( wants the disks not make believe slices and volumes)

#westerndigital #jbod #openzfs #timemachine #householdIT #storage #zfs

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
152 followers · 955 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

i can't configure that from on or it just hangs forever. way to go screwing up external usb storage, you guise

#mybookduo #westerndigital #macOS #windows #householdIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
150 followers · 917 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

guh i needed another external drive to rotate through for backups and i didn't realize that the devices have been afflicted by something i haven't been confronted with in a long time.

hardware .

even worse, it's raid0 by default and there isn't a switch i can find so it's a software toggle and if i can't just put it in JBOD mode i want to send it back _except_:

they sent 20TB not 16TB. 😬 :ethics:

#westerndigital #mybookduo #raid #householdIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
149 followers · 916 posts · Server soc.kvet.ch

re: read cache devices on a NAS: this is what it tells me about a "failing/failed" cache drive, and i allocated 128GB of that device for the cache, but the actual capacity of the drive is 256GB. i know i thought i was being really smart when i initially enabled the cache device but i probably thought it would be obvious to Future Me what to do when it exhausted typical usage and i definitely didn't buy an enterprise m2 which is why i would have under-allocated. 🤔

#synology #householdIT #storage

Last updated 2 years ago