benjamin melançon · @mlncn
1041 followers · 3893 posts · Server

@doctormo @gbhnews

Displacing people causes harm, disconnecting people from the small start of networks of support & community that offer the best way to safety & stability.

worsens problems— but hides them from richer society and the media that is supposed to be our eyes & ears.

The question to ask each person threatened with a so-called is what alternative they have been directly offered, and, if any, why it is inadequate for ending

#Unhoused #displacement #houseless #sweep #homelessness

Last updated 1 year ago

Avivo "Tiny Village" in North Loop has a sudden drastic rule change that people need to get rid of all their belongings or be thrown out, or maybe is being shut down entirely. (There was a fire a couple days ago apparently.) People crying, not knowing where they will go, right now.

1251 N Washington Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55401


#minneapolis #cruelty #homeless #houseless #homelessness

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Moore · @CalNativeLandscape
50 followers · 572 posts · Server

I saw them yesterday clearing out the people from the encampment. They were pushing the old woman hanging onto her cart of belongings back out into the street. It was a neat, clean group of tenters. How cruel does this system need to get before we say enough, we deserve a new better one?

#imperialbeach #sandiego #california #destitute #houseless #abandoned #povertyisviolence

Last updated 1 year ago

benjamin melançon · @mlncn
1016 followers · 3778 posts · Server


Yes. We could fill an encyclopedia with how reactionary / liberal / neoliberal politicians in weaponize so-called civility to deflect and distract from our desperate attempts to draw attention to, and stop, their "police-ification" of every almost every part of government to destroy people's lives

#minneapolis #houseless

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
71 followers · 669 posts · Server

HOUSING: Police State and Class War!

a sick society...

In this clip from his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses the eviction of "Mom's for Housing" and how it reflects the purpose of militarized police as agents of capital in a class war against working people. He reinforces the idea that police do not exist to protect people, but rather to protect private property. He analyzes how housing has ceased to be viewed as an essential need, but rather as a commodity to be used in investment portfolios.

#eviction #pricegouging #investmentproperty #housing #shelter #houseless #structuralviolence #violencenotassistance

Last updated 1 year ago

to destroy people's only homes with less than a day notice at the intersection of Cedar Avenue South and East Franklin Ave AGAIN.

Temporary night-to-night shelters that are intermittently available at the numbers on the flier are a joke.

The city has fired any outreach workers who care anyway.

#minneapolis #houseless #homeless #defense #twincities

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
60 followers · 594 posts · Server


if the system is not for everyone, then everyone must not be for the system.

#houseless #MutualAid #humanrights #compassion #capitalism #invisiblepeople #dignity

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
45 followers · 485 posts · Server

Navajo police scour city streets for houseless victims

After Arizona shut down fraudulent treatment centers, thousands were dumped onto Phoenix Valley streets.
A scheme that targeted Indigenous people because of a loophole in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System’s (AHCCCS) American Indian Health Program allowed individuals to pose as legitimate health care providers for behavioral health services and then allegedly bill the state for services that were never provided.

#fraud #indigenousaccess #services #healthcare #arizona #houseless #victims #predatory #capitalism #Plutocracy #abandonment #rescue

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
43 followers · 443 posts · Server
Byrnejmf · @Byrnejmf
19 followers · 251 posts · Server
Shades · @shades
607 followers · 1212 posts · Server

by in @grist:

"When Valencia Gunder delivers food and other necessities to people impacted by disasters or people experiencing homelessness in Miami, it’s about helping with kindness — but she sees it as more than simply providing aid or dignity to those in need. For Gunder, it’s also the foundation of community action for climate and justice.

“'Every organizer should be a first responder,' says Gunder, a climate and economic justice organizer (who was featured on our 2021 Grist 50 list). “Now, after you done fed everybody and folks are somewhat back to their resilient space, [then] we can start to do the advocacy again.”

#joshuakimelman #houseless #homeless #communityaction #communityaid #advocacy #climate #economicjustice #justice

Last updated 1 year ago

benjamin melançon · @mlncn
983 followers · 3662 posts · Server

@mahaska 100% this. There is no act of being unhoused that isn't justifiably a political protest— and when we had an explicit protest at , which did put enough pressure on that seven people participating in the protest got adequate (a little private space, freedom to come and go) but not , our local billionaire-owned newspaper editorialized in favor of its -led destruction.

Some solidarity there!

#minneapolis #cityhall #houseless #shelter #housing #startribune #police #firstamendment

Last updated 1 year ago

benjamin melançon · @mlncn
979 followers · 3644 posts · Server

And more so than in other cities, i think, and others recruited to be the machine are doing so not because of a of people (although is doing his best to inculcate that attitude), but due to top-down directives and initiatives.

It's way past time to cut the department out of this of

That July 5 board meeting is at 5pm at Park & Recreation Board Headquarters, 2117 West River Road N

#harassing #houseless #mayorfrey #parks #cycle #violence #public #minneapolis #police #displacement #culture

Last updated 1 year ago

benjamin melançon · @mlncn
977 followers · 3642 posts · Server

started the current continual wave of of people when the board betrayed their pledge of in 2020 and loosed their on every person on park property.

If they choose to pursue, to persecute, people not on , they need to be reminded enough violence has already been done at their behest.

Keep calling 612-230-6443 and 612-230-6404 et al.

And at their on July 5 we can be even harder to ignore.

#minneapolis #parks #mass #displacement #Unhoused #sanctuary #police #houseless #parkland #public #meeting

Last updated 1 year ago

benjamin melançon · @mlncn
978 followers · 3635 posts · Server

(I heard of , , and , , was also at the parade. Remember, rhymes with "lie" not with "gay"— the handful of people who know his persecution of people and saw him told him off, but it's outrageous that any place -minded people gather doesn't run off a like him. He's currently thwarting while mercilessly punishing the victims of high .)

#minneapolis #mayor #lies #police #killings #violent #gentrification #JacobFrey #pride #frey #houseless #justice #dangerous #grifter #politician #rentcontrol #rent

Last updated 1 year ago

Chairman Meh · @chairman_meh
125 followers · 194 posts · Server
these are fancy. Perhaps too fancy.
-mart 5-gal bucket (12 inch diameter opening) ~$4
'basic' brand -mart 13-gal drawstring kitchen bags, pack of 20 - ~$2.50
-mart pool noodle, 2.5x50 inches - ~$1.05
-mart 7lb bag of cat litter - ~$2
then just shove it in some bushes and go.
So 1 toilet for less than $10, and 1 noodle can do ~4 buckets, which is the big price item.

If you're going to make something for the houseless, you need it to be cheap and easily replaceable, because the cops will throw it out and destroy it, and until people figure out how to use it a lot of them will get ruined. It's not bad and it's not a failing of the people, it's just how it is.

Notes and cheaper/faster alternatives welcome.

#houseless #homeless #toilet #acab

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark Wyner :vm: · @markwyner
1944 followers · 2376 posts · Server

More of this rebellion, please. The corporate dollar isn’t threatened by giving “unsellable” food and expired products to folks in need. There’s always some “business reason” to throw things away, but that’s entirely apathetic. This is the way. Raise your fist and fight that shit. Leave the goods out. E someone who helps.

#empathy #kindness #houseless #homeless #buckthesystem #generosity #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Willow · @salixlucida
467 followers · 25782 posts · Server
Shades · @shades
409 followers · 330 posts · Server

by , & in :

"Michelle Gross, president of Communities United Against Police Brutality, praised the report as robust and well-documented but expressed disappointment that it didn't address the Police Department's treatment of homeless people, given the controversy over police raids on homeless encampments. She also called for strong oversight of the consent decree."

#reidforgrave #mayarao #zoejackson #startribune #minneapolis #minnesota #police #departmentifjustice #doj #houseless #homeless

Last updated 1 year ago