House of Lords EU Affairs chairman: UK risks being sidelined in global affairs #Brexit #HouseofLords #LordPeterRicketts
#Brexit #houseoflords #lordpeterricketts
Oooh good, the #uk #lords #houseOfLords will debate mandating #swift #swiftBricks in new builds.
#uk #Lords #houseoflords #swift #swiftbricks
"Careful reform is needed to end the practice of unelectable legislators"
#FT #FinancialTimes #HouseOfLords #PayWall #UKPolitics #UKPol
#ft #financialtimes #houseoflords #paywall #ukpolitics #ukpol
To clarify this further the supremacy of the #houseofcommons in the various #parliamentacts applies to primary legislation and to anything certified by the #speaker as a #moneybill. Because a #commencementorder is secondary legislation it would not be covered by it and could be blocked indefinitely if the #houseoflords chose. Whether it would is another matter.
#houseofcommons #parliamentacts #speaker #moneybill #commencementorder #houseoflords
That is my understanding of the current situation. And parliament can block a commencement order if it wishes. Although it is unlikely that the #houseofcommons would do so the #houseoflords could do so by what is known as a #prayer . That is to say it can "pray against" secondary legislation - and this has indefinite effect.
#houseofcommons #houseoflords #prayer
Resignation honours are the worst, but all patronage is bad #ukpol #ukpolitics #ResignationHonours #ElectoralReform #HouseofLords #LizTruss
#ukpol #ukpolitics #resignationhonours #electoralreform #houseoflords #liztruss
Liz Truss’ resignation honours could be a turning point for reform #ukpol #ukpolitics #ResignationHonours #HouseofLords #LizTruss
#ukpol #ukpolitics #resignationhonours #houseoflords #liztruss
If Sunak were a better man, he’d tell this dangerous, bonkers woman who cost us so much in her mere 49 days as PM to get on her bike and forget all about resignation honours.
But he’s not a better man, so we know what to expect.
“Simply removing the remaining hereditary peers wouldn’t change the habit of prime ministers stuffing the chamber with cronies, sons of KGB agents and Andrew Lloyd Webber. It wouldn’t significantly reduce the bloated chamber and cost to the public. Even after Blair’s reforms, there are still 777 members of the House of Lords who are eligible to vote – enough to fill eight doubledecker buses.”
If you were wondering why the press has suddenly gone pretty quiet on #CharlotteOwen & her elevation to the #HouseofLords...
then you might be interested to know that rumour has it, there is a super injunction on her, which means that nobody in the UK media can talk about her, how she got appointed to the House of Lords & her connection(s) to #BorisJohnson.
so much for #democracy
#charlotteowen #houseoflords #BorisJohnson #democracy
A cross-party committee of senior #peers has criticised #BorisJohnson for bringing the #HonoursSystem into question
Report expresses disapproval at former PM’s attempts to fill upper house with his supporters #HoL #HouseOfLords #ToryCorruption
#ToryCorruption #houseoflords #hol #honourssystem #borisjohnson #peers
How honourable are honours lists? #ResignationHonours #HouseofLords
#resignationhonours #houseoflords
#BorisJohnson controversy calls entire honours system into question, warns damning Lords report. #HouseOfLords #LordsReform #ToryCorruption
#houseoflords #lordsreform #borisjohnson #ToryCorruption
#asyl #asylum #migrants #refugees #Tories #migrationbill #houseoflords
"(...) peers pressed their demand for further changes to the illegal migration bill.
These included limits to the detention of children, modern slavery protections and the provision of safe and legal routes for refugees to the UK."
Rishi Sunak suffers string of further defeats in Lords over small boats bill | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
#asyl #asylum #migrants #refugees #tories #migrationbill #houseoflords
Tommy #Sheppard is not wrong to say that having #bishops in the House of Lords gives "democracy a bad name". But as his own party, the #SNP, has consistently acknowledged, the #HouseofLords gives #democracy a bad name. If anything, the bishops are sometimes among the more sensible participants. But there are no good reasons why unelected people should be members of a legislature
#democracy #houseoflords #snp #bishops #sheppard
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…
“There are only two countries in the world where representatives of the state religion automatically get a seat in the legislature: the UK and Iran.”
How good do we feel about that?
The Guardian: MPs and peers urge UK government to do more to free jailed activist in Egypt #MiddleEastandnorthAfrica #AbdelFatahal-Sisi #HouseofCommons #Foreignpolicy #JamesCleverly #HouseofLords #Worldnews #Politics #Activism #Protest #Africa #UKnews #Egypt
#middleeastandnorthafrica #abdelfatahal #houseofcommons #foreignpolicy #jamescleverly #houseoflords #worldnews #politics #activism #protest #africa #uknews #egypt
Remove Bishops From The House Of Lords. Petition:
#houseoflords #religion #politics
The Guardian: MPs and peers urge UK government to do more to free jailed activist in Egypt #MiddleEastandnorthAfrica #AbdelFatahal-Sisi #HouseofCommons #Foreignpolicy #JamesCleverly #HouseofLords #Worldnews #Politics #Activism #Protest #Africa #UKnews #Egypt
#middleeastandnorthafrica #abdelfatahal #houseofcommons #foreignpolicy #jamescleverly #houseoflords #worldnews #politics #activism #protest #africa #uknews #egypt
The Guardian: MPs and peers urge UK government to do more to free jailed activist in Egypt #MiddleEastandnorthAfrica #AbdelFatahal-Sisi #HouseofCommons #Foreignpolicy #JamesCleverly #HouseofLords #Worldnews #Politics #Activism #Protest #Africa #UKnews #Egypt
#middleeastandnorthafrica #abdelfatahal #houseofcommons #foreignpolicy #jamescleverly #houseoflords #worldnews #politics #activism #protest #africa #uknews #egypt