Aaaaaaaaand live!! Hopefully it won't take as long as the first campaign. Or at the very least be a painful. ._. #HouseOfTheDead
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
Well... looks like I'm gonna need to try and finish what I started... no matter how painful. ._. #HouseOfTheDead See y'all in about 30mins!
Over these last couple nights I’ve been grinding out achievements for the #houseofthedead remake i originally bought it on switch and was disappointed by the controls and how it felt. I happened to get it on steam via humble bundle and I was surprised at how differently it felt but it was so much better. So far I’ve gotten 65% of the achievements by unlocking all weapons and doing damage less runs. Been a lot of fun when not playing on switch
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Bodies shall hit the floor! And lots of f-bombs. Lots and lots of f-bombs. :| #HouseOfTheDead
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
#HouseOfTheDead Overkill and all its incredibly excessive glory shall return here in an hour!
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Family fun Wii time playing #HouseOfTheDead Overkill! :D
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
Ja teniu el programa de Terrible Visió previ a les vacances d'estiu!
Un programa amb convidat, l'streamer de videojocs Xavi Besugo! I òbviament la temàtica del programa son les pel·lícules basades en videojocs!
Comence donant la xapa amb un repàs històric a alguns exemples d'adaptacions i després parlem de
#TheSuperMarioBrosMovie (2023)
#PrinceOfPersia (2010)
#HouseOfTheDead (2003)
#ResidentEvil (2002)
Com sempre estem a #iVoox #Spotify #ApplePodcast i #GooglePodcast
#thesupermariobrosmovie #princeofpersia #houseofthedead #residentevil #ivoox #spotify #applepodcast #GooglePodcast
Great Horror Movie Posters day 38. #GreatHorrorMoviePosters #MoviePosters #Cinemastodon #HouseoftheDead
#greathorrormovieposters #MoviePosters #cinemastodon #houseofthedead
La série des #houseofthedead en image! Une série mythique de #railshooter !
A l’origine, le directeur voulait prendre une direction plus sérieuse mais cela changera en cours de route pour quelque chose qui se rapproche plus des «séries B».
#gamecollection #jeuvideo #videogamecollection #wii #dreamcast #nintendoswitch #ps3 #segasaturn #sega #lightgun #microïds #segaAM1 #collection #physicalgames
#houseofthedead #railshooter #gamecollection #jeuvideo #videogamecollection #wii #dreamcast #nintendoswitch #ps3 #segasaturn #sega #lightgun #microids #segaam1 #collection #physicalgames
Title screen for the Sega NAOMI arcade prototype, The House of the Dead 2: Original Sin.
The final game has no subtitle; "Original Sin" is the title of Chapter 6. The prototype also lacks music when you insert credits. #sega #houseofthedead
Before this Saturday"s special episode, #RSIndividual continues its HOTD Month with its next composer spotlight: The #HouseoftheDead 3's Eriko Sakurai. Get SEGAducated tonight at 6pm UK Time on WORLD SERIES BASEBALL 2K1, SEGA Bass Fishing 2 and Altered Beast too!
#RSIndividual's HOTD Composer Month now continues with Haruyoshi Tomita. Listen in at for talks and music on the #SEGA games he worked on ft. The #HouseoftheDead 2 +, #VirtuaStriker 4 and Emergency Call Ambulance to name a few!
#RSIndividual #SEGA #houseofthedead #VirtuaStriker
#RSIndividual's HOTD Composer Month now continues with Haruyoshi Tomita. Listen in at for talks and music on the #SEGA games he worked on ft. The #HouseoftheDead 2 +, #VirtuaStriker 4 and Emergency Call Ambulance to name a few!
#RSIndividual #SEGA #houseofthedead #VirtuaStriker
🧟♂️ Potser no ho sabies, però ja va eixir la 5a part del mític #HouseOfTheDead
ℹ️ Baix el sobrenom Scarlet Dawn, arribà el 2018 als quasi inexistents i privilegiats salons recreatius de molt pocs enclavaments.
Esperem que arribe a consoles.
#ForeverEntertainment, qui varen fer els remakes de #PanzerDragoon, s'encarregaran de re-fer els dos primers mítics #HouseOfTheDead 😍🧟♂️ de #SEGA!!!
Ens arribaran al 2020, plataformes encara per confirmar, i possiblement mostraran imatges abans d'acabar 2019.
#foreverentertainment #panzerdragoon #houseofthedead #sega #videojocs
#ForeverEntertainment, qui varen fer els remakes de #PanzerDragoon, s'encarregaran de re-fer els dos primers mítics #HouseOfTheDead 😍🧟♂️ de #SEGA!!!
Ens arribaran al 2020, plataformes encara per confirmar, i possiblement mostraran imatges abans d'acabar 2019.
#foreverentertainment #panzerdragoon #houseofthedead #sega #videojocs