$50K per #LowIncome unit in #SanJose and San Mateo County. SMC’s #s are a #MeasureK update. Double the 225,053 housing units needed per Mercury News for the #BayArea and it's only $2B to #HousePeople which = COST OF 10 Lane Miles of HWY 101 expansion with fed #GasTax$s, 1/3rd of what CalTrans built in San Mateo County, with C/CAG matching funds- to expand VMT! https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/local/san-mateo-county-awards-54m-in-housing-grants/article_7564aa68-8026-11ed-bc59-839b65db16b8.html
#lowincome #sanjose #s #measurek #bayarea #housepeople #gastax