Non-house-rabbit-owners (or servants) don't realize the feeling of dawning horror when you realize you don't know where the bunny is...
Skye seems pretty well-behaved, though. We joked that Lena would burn down the house while we were out.
#houserabbit #houserabbitlife #bunny #terror
Dogs: Wow! A box!
Cats: That box needs a cat to sit in it.
Bunnies: That box needs two (2) doors chewed in it. And the floor chewed. And ...
P.S. Very cute 😍
I wish I could describe it better - I don't have it on video.
It kind of looks like they're trying to "eat around" something that isn't there. Lips pulled back, move the head a bit, now with cheeks pulled back, change approach angle...
It looks *very* deliberate.
#EatingWeird #HouseRabbit #HouseRabbitLife #DontTellMeHowToBunny #fruit #messy
#eatingweird #houserabbit #houserabbitlife #donttellmehowtobunny #fruit #messy
I get that the #UK has #switches on each #electrical #outlet; it's different, but the reason behind it makes sense.
But what's the last switch there? It looks like you put in a light switch at bunny-level! Very considerate of you.
#uk #switches #electrical #Outlet #houserabbit #houserabbitlife #rabbitsofmastodon
@SashaE810 Thanks!
That's Lena, who shares my office and the living room with us. Also known as "la conejo diablo".
I told her story - she's a rescue - in a couple of previous threads.
This one is specifically about her:
This one is about house rabbits in general, with some extra bits about her:
Jeez, finding those was a pain. A better #search would be a really nice thing to have in #Mastodon.
#search #Mastodon #devilrabbit #houserabbit #houserabbitlife
They do seem to get used to their routines.
I was wondering if this ~10pm commonality could be due to them synchronizing with their ~~owners~~ servants' schedules, but it seems more likely it's just their #crepuscular nature. 10pm would be somewhere around the end of the evening active period, and then they'd rest or sleep until the start of the morning one.
A test would be to ask a night-owl rabbit servant and see what time their bun(s) go to bed.
#crepuscular #houserabbit #houserabbitlife
They can be *very* demanding of their servants.
Cute as a button, though.
#houserabbit #houserabbitlife #bunny
Rabbits and your home:
If it has tassels or fringes, chew them off.
If it doesn't have tassels, chew a hole in the middle of it.
If you can't chew a hole in it, chew every clean corner off of it so it looks like a marsupial with an angle grinder worked on it.
Those are the only guidelines I've managed to work out. There's doubtlessly others.
@Satori @BunnyNotIncluded @ADailyViolet
From now on, I'm only going to buy pre-chewed furniture. Then no one knows if the bunnies are guilty or not.