Every #morning at 5am at this #Housesit, we've been woken by a series of loud thumping noises from the apartment upstairs.
Proposed explanations are:
An elephant learning ballet by watching Youtube
A T-Rex mauling its breakfast sausage. (It's science.)
A Werewolf unsuccessfully transitioning back to a human, falling over and getting stuck in the wardrobe. (Poor guy.)
A clown trying to tap dance in clown shoes while using maracas. (Kaflump)
A man named Dave. Just that. (Why Dave? Why?)
Meanwhile at my Kuala Lumpur #housesit our #cat overlord The Loaf has just realized that she has been confusing Chris Hemsworth with Chris Evans, Chris Pratt and Chris Pine. This offends her greatly and she vows to meow a paper about the inneficiency in human naming conventions.
#housesit #cat #catsofmastodon #actors
Today at our Kuala Lumpur house sit, The Loaf the cat has paused in her living room patrol, overwhelmed by the idea that philosopher, Slavoj Žižek exists in the same universe she does, and at this very moment, he may be eating the same gourmet kibble she enjoys.
The world has truly wobbled on its axis.
#cat #catsofmastdon #philosophy #housesitting #housesit
Today at our Kuala Lumpur house sit, The Loaf the cat has paused in her living room patrol, overwhelmed by the idea that philosopher, Slavoj Zizek exists in the same universe she does, and at this very moment, he may be eating the same gourmet kibble she enjoys.
The world has truly wobbled on its axis.
#cat #catsofmastdon #philosophy #housesitting #housesit
It seems the #cats at my current #KualaLumpur #housesit are experiencing a #scientific disagreement. While Pickles the #kitten wishes to demonstrate Brownian Motion at all times, The Loaf thinks that Pickles should explore the Schrodinger's Kitten hypothesis.
You can see her here mentally calculating how to lure Pickles into a box. Her expression no doubt indicates her despair over not having the opposable thumbs to apply gaffer tape.
#cats #kualalumpur #housesit #scientific #kitten
Introducing The Loaf, my second #cat overlord at my new Kuala Lumpur #housesit Note the way she is staring into the void, overcome by the fact that now that she has eaten #breakfast there will be no more breakfast today. This means she must face the #kitten Pickles without extra tummy fortification. The despair is great and can only be solved by snoozing in the warm spot behind the washing machine.
Meanwhile this is my daily view of Bukit Kiara in KL. It's gorgeous. :blobsmilehappyeyes:
#cat #housesit #breakfast #kitten
Introducing Pickles the #kitten , one of my #cat overlords at our new #housesit here in #KualaLumpur. She's just finished waging the Great Sock Battle of 2022. (My socks are now suitably chastened and are banished to the laundry.)
My proficiency in Zoomie Time Battle logistics tells me that there will be a spirited clawed advance up my jeans leg any time soon and I stand ready with my patented Kitten Squishie and Snuggle technique :blobsmilehappyeyes: 🐱
#kitten #cat #housesit #kualalumpur
Last walk of Furry Rube Goldberg Cog, Doris the former #Thai street #dog, Chaser of #Squirrels, Sniffer of Curbsides, Snorer for the Win and all around good egg. I'm gonna miss this girl and her #Cat overlords when I leave for the next #housesit tonight.
#Thai #dog #squirrels #cat #housesit
My alarm just sounded and I've been awake 3 hours while alternate mes in other #universes (who didn't have an adorable, squirrel-mad dog rouse them at 4am) are now waking up.
It's the last day of my #housesit in #Phuket and it's been wonderful to stay in this cosy enclave caring for 3 wee critters, surrounded by locals and oddball foreigners.
Doris the #dog is now snoring, happily oblivious to my #morning #music which is a total #mood - Eskimo Joe's I'm So Tired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3f3ZhwzoQs
#universes #housesit #Phuket #dog #morning #music #mood
Behold the individual cogs of the furry #RubeGoldberg machine that has woken me every #morning of my current #housesit in #Phuket
First, we have tiny Maud, who starts the process of whacking Monty, the tubbiest of #cats (note his 'you're not working this morning until I get a butt pat and #breakfast stance) Then we have the final #furry component, Doris the #dog who Monty swipes so she'll wake me. Note the 'not morning dog' face, which belies the Great Squirrel Imperative of 4am.
#Rubegoldberg #morning #housesit #Phuket #cats #breakfast #furry #dog