City Council gives the green light to a revamped Grand Street design which now includes a separated, two-way bikeway from Shore Line Drive to Clement Avenue. Karin K. Jensen also reports that both the RESHAP and West Midway housing projects are moving forward.
#biking #reshap #alameda #CityCouncil #GrandStreet #AlamedaPoint #HousingElement #OperationDignity #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #ActiveTransportationPlan #LowStressBackboneNetwork
#biking #reshap #alameda #citycouncil #grandstreet #alamedapoint #housingelement #operationdignity #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #activetransportationplan #lowstressbackbonenetwork
I wish this thread by @alfredtwu had existed when #SFPlanning was writing the #HousingElement.
Their plan is total Corridor Zoning along 19th Ave: the highest density directly on a car sewer with narrow sidewalks. While I'm glad to see density on the westside at all, this kind of stroad-adjacent housing isn't nice to live in and gives dense housing a bad name. Second Street Housing would be much better.
The Planning Board approved the West Midway Development Plan, which includes 478 housing units to help Alameda meet requirements for affordable housing. Karin K. Jensen reports that the project will include 40 units for moderate income households at Alameda Point.
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #AlamedaPoint #PlanningBoard #HousingElement #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #WestMidwayDevelopmentPlan
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #alamedapoint #planningboard #housingelement #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #westmidwaydevelopmentplan
Mayor Ashcraft reviews promising economic development, environmental efforts, new local businesses, and more in her State of the City address. Karin K. Jensen covers the encouraging event as we celebrate progress for Alameda.
#AFD #AMP #APD #ARPD #Alameda #USSHornet #Homelessness #VillageOfLove #DignityVillage #HousingElement #WarmingShelter #AlamedaFoodBank #AffordableHousing #DecarbonizationPlan #GuaranteedBasicIncome #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#afd #amp #apd #arpd #alameda #usshornet #homelessness #villageoflove #dignityvillage #housingelement #warmingshelter #alamedafoodbank #affordablehousing #decarbonizationplan #guaranteedbasicincome #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
The draft of the #SouthPasadena #HousingElement that I’ve been working on for the past few months is now out for public review. It’s already getting some positive comments from one of the city’s most vocal critics.
It’s been a journey to get the city’s staff, decision makers, and community on board with what was needed to ensure enough #housing gets built in South Pasadena, but we did it. I’m incredibly proud of this work, and can’t wait to see it certified by #HCD.
#southpasadena #housingelement #housing #hcd
Recently @londonbreed launched the #HousingForAll plan to help make SF’s recently adopted #HousingElement a reality. The more homes we build here, the more people can live a walkable, low carbon lifestyle.
Let’s thank the mayor for this leadership!
#housingforall #housingelement
Our new lead @garencheckley makes the #climate case for SF's new #HousingElement in @TheFrisc! #urbanism #yimby
#climate #housingelement #urbanism #yimby
Ben Christopher of CalMatters reports that housing politics around the state are so complicated that most cities in the Bay Area and the rest of CA missed the Wednesday Housing Element deadline– but not the City of Alameda, which was the first to be approved. @calmatters
#Alameda #BayArea #Housing #California #HousingElement #Builder'sRemedy
#alameda #bayarea #housing #california #housingelement #builder
City governments around the #sfbayarea are doing horribly on the Jan 31st housing element approval deadline.
The "builders remedy" sucks for local communities, but <welp> they had their opportunity to come up with housing plans and just didn't. Complete failure of political will at the local level.
It's about to get real (I mean, after many lawsuits, for sure).
#Housing #California #HousingElement #AffordableHousing #BuildBabyBuild
#sfbayarea #housing #california #housingelement #affordablehousing #buildbabybuild
In part two of two of an interview with Adam Gillitt, Alameda's new City Manager Jennifer Ott discusses the transportation, challenges, and trying to get back to normal life.
#CARP #Ferry #Alameda #Housing #Transit #Interview #CityCouncil #CityManager #JenniferOtt #AlamedaPoint #AlamedaTheatre #HousingElement #Transportation
#carp #ferry #alameda #housing #transit #interview #citycouncil #citymanager #jenniferott #alamedapoint #alamedatheatre #housingelement #transportation