Our DSA chapter is protesting in Manchester this evening against proposed anti-homeless ordinances! #HousingIsAHumanRight #NHPolitics
(apologies for the lack of alt text; mobile app is refusing to add it at the moment)
#housingisahumanright #nhpolitics
"LANSING, Mich.—A statewide coalition known as “Rent is Too Damn High” will descend on Michigan State Capitol on Sept. 5 to protest escalating costs of housing in the state. According to the coalition’s press coordinator, Lindsey Barchard, well over 600 people had pledged to join the protest at the capitol by early August.
The Sept. 5 rally will include a DJ, chanting and marching, spoken word poetry, multiple speakers, and an area for people to share their own housing stories. “Our plan for the 5th is to make as much noise as possible,” Bachard said, “to convey to the legislators the sheer volume of Michigan’s residents who are becoming increasingly desperate for change.”
Rents in Michigan have grown rapidly over the past few years as urban gentrification projects have been offered as the main solution for economic woes. According to recent media reports, a typical renter in 2023 must earn an average of $21.65 per hour to afford basic housing in the state.
The state’s minimum wage, however, remains locked in at a paltry $10.10 per hour, and the “tipped” hourly minimum is $3.84. In addition, an anachronistic statewide ban on rent control has also fueled skyrocketing housing costs.
The Rent is Too Damn High rally will “raise awareness and put pressure on lawmakers to take action to address the full-blown housing crisis in our state,” Barchard said."
#HousingCrisis #Housing #Rent #RentIsTooDamnHigh #Michigan #RentersRights #HousingIsAHumanRight
#housingcrisis #housing #rent #rentistoodamnhigh #michigan #rentersrights #housingisahumanright
....we have an amazing shirt for sale that was designed and illustrated by Loki Gwynbleidd, an amazing artist of vintage anarchist propaganda over on IG.
They were awesome enough to draw this up for us exclusively for benefiting the radical projects on the Harbor, such as Blackflower Collective.
Check them out at https://lokivintagepropaganda.com/en/
Thank you loki for your generosity, solidarity, and support!
#Art #HousingIsAHumanRight #TShirt #FeralThreads #SabotMedia
#Art #housingisahumanright #tshirt #feralthreads #sabotmedia
Join Services Not Sweeps for our first rally on Wednesday, August 2nd at City Hall, 12pm-2pm! We will have speakers from the coalition and with lived experience talk about the harm caused by sweeps, and how that harm increases during times of extreme weather. Join us after to attend the Public Assets and Homelessness Committee meeting at 2pm for public comment to tell City Council you support our campaign to end encampment removals in extreme weather! Learn more about our campaign at servicesnotsweepcoalition.org
#ServicesNotSweepsCoalition #ServicesNotSweeps #StoptheSweeps #HousingisaHumanRight #WinterSweepBan #HumanizeHomelessness
#servicesnotsweepscoalition #servicesnotsweeps #StopTheSweeps #housingisahumanright #wintersweepban #humanizehomelessness
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Awaiting the release of Aly Khan from 14 Division.
Conditions were reduced from outrageous to just mean.
Thanks to all who called and emailed!
#HousingForAll #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingNow #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #FuckThePolice #acab #TorontoActivists
#housingforall #housingisahumanright #HousingNow #policedontkeepussafe #fuckthepolice #acab #torontoactivists
To expedite things, here is the info for calling/emailing:
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Ausma Malik ⬅️
City Councillor for Ward 10 – Spadina–Fort York
Telephone: 416-392-4044
Email: Councillor_Malik@toronto.ca
Paul Johnson ⬅️
City Manager
Telephone: 416-392-8673
Email: paul.johnson@toronto.ca
Phone/e-mail script:
I am writing to demand the immediate release of the Encampment Support Network Parkdale member Alykhan Pabani from pre-trial detention at 14 Division. He has been detained for nearly 24 hours for the non-criminal charge of trespassing on a public park, in order to prevent his on-the-ground support work with unhoused residents of Lamport Stadium.
He was denied food for 12 hours, denied a blanket, and has no reliable source of drinking water in his cell.
I am also demanding that his ban from public parks be dropped. It is unconstitutional to try to bar an individual’s right to free expression and association in public space, and a clear attack on political organizing and activism efforts.
#HousingForAll #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingNow #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #FuckThePolice #acab #TorontoActivists
#housingforall #housingisahumanright #HousingNow #policedontkeepussafe #fuckthepolice #acab #torontoactivists
housing prices....
Making the rounds, a 2 minute viral tiktok explaining to #boomers why folks born after the 1980s are struggling with buying #housing, compared to #GenX and older folk in the United States.
#Zillow #redfin #housingIsAHumanRight #economics #CostOfLiving
#boomers #housing #genx #zillow #redfin #housingisahumanright #economics #costofliving
Jesus Christ, #Barrie, Ontario, what's yoir problem with mutual aid?
The proposed bylaw amendment would introduce fines ranging from $500 to $100,000 for distributing food, water, clothing, shelter, or other essentials to assist people with sleeping or protection from the elements without authorization from the City of Barrie.
(I think you're supposed to take the words "News release" off and do a little work, but still.)
#barrie #housingforall #housingisahumanright
Aside from ice cream being boosted and sold at deep diskwento, Juneteenth really was a great time. As with every year, it means seeing new faces, alongside familiar faces I don’t see often, as well as familiar faces who I don’t see living on the street anymore. #Juneteenth #PSH #housingisahumanright #housing
#juneteenth #psh #housingisahumanright #housing
RAHU unequivocally supports our member Margaret Kelly who has taken a strong stance against the Victorian state government who have marked her home, Barak Beacon - a public housing estate - for demolition, so that they may replace it with private and social housing.
The demolition of Barak Beacon has begun around the edges of the estate while Margaret continues to live there. This is despite no contracts being awarded to any organisation to begin the process of building new homes.
The destruction of public housing is purely ideological; to continue the relentless push for housing commodification. There's not a single worthwhile economic or moral argument for these developments. All they do is make housing unaffordable for everyday people.
If saving public housing is important to you, then join the fight to save estates such as Barak Beacon.
Join RAHU at rahu.org.au
Support Margaret at https://www.instagram.com/savebarakbeacon/
#DefendPublicHousing #SaveBarakBeacon #HousingIsAHumanRight #AusPol #VicPol
#defendpublichousing #savebarakbeacon #housingisahumanright #auspol #vicpol
Stop the government war on public housing!
The Victorian government has already started demolishing Barak Beacon WHILE A RAHU MEMBER IS STILL LIVING THERE! Without any dates of when new "social housing" is meant to replace them. All this while we are in a housing crisis!
We demand that our public housing estates are repaired, rebuilt, and reinvested in. Social housing is a pipeline to privatisation of the affordable housing sector.
Please join us on the steps of parliament tomorrow, 15th of June at 12pm, show them that we will NOT allow people to be bullied from their homes, and that we support public housing!
#PublicHousing #DefendBarakBeacon #StopPrivatisation #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingCrisis #Melbourne #VicPol #AusPol
#publichousing #defendbarakbeacon #stopprivatisation #housingisahumanright #housingcrisis #melbourne #vicpol #auspol
Yesterday, 20+ cops from City of Miami PD raided encampments in Overtown. 14+ were arrested/Baker Acted; we don’t know names. Others were taken to a shelter under threat of arrest
#StopTheSweeps #AbolishThePolice #HousingIsAHumanRight #SiezeAllEmptyHousing #CancelRent #MutualAid #Miami
#StopTheSweeps #abolishthepolice #housingisahumanright #siezeallemptyhousing #CancelRent #MutualAid #miami
If you are in the area of Allen Gardens, the 🐖🐖🐖 and the City are doing an encampment sweep right now.
#encampmentsupport #housingforall #housingisahumanright
The truth, supported by facts and evidence, about #homelessness because “Everything you think you know about homelessness is wrong” #homeless #unhoused #rent #housing #HousingInsecurity #housingisahumanright https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/everything-you-think-you-know-about
#homelessness #homeless #unhoused #rent #housing #housinginsecurity #housingisahumanright
PDA is committed to making 2023 the year that all Americans understand that the progressive movement will not rest until every person in the United States is guaranteed safe and secure housing.
#housing #HousingIsAHumanRight #progress
#housing #housingisahumanright #progress
PSA: if you live in a city of at least 250k, there are free shower & laundry avail inside city homeless outreach buildings. You do not have to sign up in order for the Constitutional right to shelter yourself as best possible w/in your means; that right is secured by the mere existence of free showers. If cops violate that, get a personal injury attorney immediately. 1/2 #homeless #MutualAid #cityservices #ConstitionalRights #housingisahumanright
#housingisahumanright #constitionalrights #cityservices #MutualAid #Homeless
PSA: if you live in a city of at least 250k, there are free shower & laundry avail inside city homeless outreach buildings. You do not have to sign up in order for the Constitutional right to shelter yourself as best possible w/in your means; that right is secured by the mere existence of free showers. If cops violate that, get a personal injury attorney immediately. 1/2 #homeless #MutualAid #cityservices #ConstitionalRights #housingisahumanright
#housingisahumanright #constitionalrights #cityservices #MutualAid #Homeless
Going to unwind watching the opening of the documentary about tiny houses.
Having been part of the defence of the last remaining one, I am pleased to be here.
#fuckthepolice #policedontkeepussafe #acab #ftp #housingforall #housingisahumanright #HousingNow
Really enjoying Gov. Kotek's hard-a$$ energy on this issue #housingisahumanright