Mobile homes could be a climate solution, a new report argues. Mobile homes are more energy-efficient, affordable, and adaptable than conventional homes. They could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, housing inequality, and disaster vulnerability.
#mobilehomes #climatesolution #housingjustice
Any of you folks live/work in Chicago and have any thoughts on how the Northtown Library + Apartments project worked out? Though I realize this was a P3 development, I am generally interested in how #housingjustice initiatives or #sheltercommons could be implemented involving libraries or the #libraryeconomy. If there are any other real-world projects in this direction I'd love to know about them too.
#housingjustice #sheltercommons #libraryeconomy
MDC DSA's Fall 2023 Fall Reading Groups have dropped!
* Origins of #Capitalism
* Public #Power
* #Medicare4All
* #Socialist #ScienceFiction - #TheDisposessed
* #DialecticalMaterialism
* #Film and #Imperialism
* #HousingJustice
More Info:
#capitalism #power #medicare4all #socialist #ScienceFiction #thedisposessed #dialecticalmaterialism #film #imperialism #housingjustice
There’s still time to attend our fun potluck picnic in Woodland Park this evening from 5:30-7 pm.
#Seattle #HousingJustice #Community
#seattle #housingjustice #community
Are you coming to our potluck picnic next Friday July 28 with Tech 4 Housing and lots of other buddies to eat food at Woodland Park?
#Tech4Housing #Seattle #GreenLake #Potluck #CompPlan #HousingJustice #MoreNeighbors #Community
#tech4housing #seattle #greenlake #potluck #compplan #housingjustice #MoreNeighbors #community
If you're not at the
meeting right now??!?! Why??? #Seattle #HousingJustice #TransitJustice #WorkersRights #KingCounty
#seattle #housingjustice #transitjustice #workersrights #KingCounty
"Communities created by unhoused people can be places for revolutionary dreaming, rad mutual aid projects, and sites to mobilize political resistance to the criminalization of extreme poverty. Government-run encampments take away what can be empowering about living in an encampment by turning the encampment into a “service.” The institutionalization of encampments reinforces the carceral logic that unhoused people and poor people can only legally exist within a system that is designed to reform them, even if the only difference between being in the system and on the streets is whether it’s your tent or a tent issued by the city. Institutionalization also completely alienates the sense of community that characterizes most encampments on the streets; since the advent of contemporary homelessness in the early 80’s, people have banded together in community with friends and allies to protect themselves, their belongings, and each other. It is a natural form of survival and togetherness in lives that are way too often dangerous and incredibly isolated."
#Homeless #Houseless #RentStrike #RightToRest #RightToExist #HousingJustice #MutualAid
#homeless #houseless #rentstrike #RightToRest #righttoexist #housingjustice #MutualAid
ICYMI: We recently joined Common Counsel Foundation and Possibility Labs in announcing the Community Ownership for Community Power (COCP) Fund, a $22 million initiative with commitments from The James Irvine Foundation, California Endowment, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Great Communities Collaborative at the San Francisco Foundation, and the Weingart Foundation.
The COCP Fund seeks to position community ownership as a more widely accessible strategy to address the housing affordability crisis, and has provided $2.2M in grants to the initial cohort of 14 community ownership partners.
Learn more in Philanthropy News Digest. (2/2)
#communityownership #philanthropy #housingjustice
These outrageous acts of socioeconomic cleansing (see thread linked below) give the lie to all the mendacious claims that evictions of poor people’s encampments are about public health, safety, or “environmental impacts”. Even those that are exemplary models of minimizing those impacts are being evicted all over the country to appease landlords and upper-middle-income gentrifiers who have many times more detrimental effects on the local community and global ecology.
This is not about public safety, the environment, or even “quality of life”. It’s about maintaining extortionate housing prices and propping up the system of rentier capitalism by comprehensively criminalizing the mere act of existing anywhere, in any way whatsoever, without paying the banks and landlords their monthly pounds of flesh and engaging in the consumer economy at a level that the wealthy consider “respectable”.
There is simply no conceivable moral justification for this legalized neo-feudal protection racket, where if you don’t keep making skyrocketing extortion payments every month, the landlord / “property investor” class sends a band of sadistic psychopaths with guns to rob you of your belongings and displace you from your home by violent force.
This is happening practically everywhere and every day across the entire USA. And it’s not going to stop until people of conscience start organizing in large numbers to say, “No more! We won’t be forced to pay rent to live on the earth where we were born!” Every time these thugs show up for another round of evictions against the most marginalized people in this country, they need to start finding themselves faced with overwhelming resistance, including support for elements willing to engage in vigorous, forceful self-defense if necessary. That’s the only way we’re going to keep these crimes against humanity from continuing to accelerate.
This is, for me, on an equal footing with the climate and ecological emergency as the most urgent domestic problem in the US today, and it is inextricably intertwined with all the others. If we have no right to exist (and no, something we have to purchase is not a right - it’s a commodity), then none of our other rights count for a goddamn thing. This country’s unhoused people are on the front lines of one of the most crucial and urgent social justice struggles of our time, and need a hell of a lot more solidarity than they’re currently getting. Let’s all step up!
#Housing #HousingJustice #SocialHousing #Homeless #Houseless #Unhoused #RentStrike #RightToExist #PropertyIsTheft #Capitalism #SimpleLiving #Police #Minneapolis #Minnesota
#housing #housingjustice #socialhousing #homeless #houseless #unhoused #rentstrike #righttoexist #propertyistheft #capitalism #simpleliving #police #minneapolis #minnesota
MASSIVE #housing rally coming up on May 20 in NYC to support #GoodCause Eviction policies that would protect tenants.
Sign up here if you want to take a bus for free to the city with cool leftists to go pressure Governor Hochul to do the right thing (she never will, unless under popular pressure)
#housing #goodcause #ithaca #twithaca #housingjustice
While the Civil Rights Act of 1968 addressed the systemic racism Black Americans faced, inequities remain 55 years later.
Housing discrimination continues as oppressive obstacles like redlining prevail.
#Activist groups like @AforHJ continue organizing for #HousingJustice across the country. (2/n)
Join Northern California Grantmakers and the San Francisco Foundation on April 12 to learn about #philanthropy’s role in advancing an intersectional approach to building a Bay Area that moves all of us forward. Speakers include Irvine Director of Program Development Rajib Guha.
Register now:
RT @4HousingandCity
☄️#HAD2023 🏠✊ Day 10! (unroll the thread for more details on today's program🧵👇)
📣For 10 DAYS, thousands of people in 50+ cities are mobilizing for #HOUSINGJUSTICE! During these last days, some cities saw their biggest housing protests in years & more is still coming today!
We're 13 days from the comment deadline for a new rule that would put some teeth in the Fair Housing Act.
#HousingJustice activists are encouraging us to show support for the new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. Submit your comment to the Federal Register here:
Talking points/guidance on how to submit an effective comment:
Further reading:
When faced with multiple crises, this World Day for #SocialJustice reminds us that our fight for #climatejustice involves many intersecting issues. Let’s take opportunities to foster cross-boundary dialogues and build a coalition for justice ✊
#ClimateJustice #RacialJustice #GenderJustice #HousingJustice #FoodJustice #LabourJustice #MigrantJustice #AgeJustice #DisabilityJustice #LandJustice #WaterJustice #EnergyJustice #IndigneousJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #AnimalJustice #YouthJustice ...
#socialjustice #ClimateJustice #racialjustice #GenderJustice #housingjustice #foodjustice #labourjustice #migrantjustice #agejustice #DisabilityJustice #landjustice #WaterJustice #energyjustice #indigneousjustice #environmentaljustice #AnimalJustice #youthjustice
Hypothetically, if my landlord described to me in detail how they exploited legal loopholes to discriminate against a disabled tennant and void their lease, and I got it all on tape, who would I report that to? Someone at city hall? The state attorney general? This is hypothetically in #Massachusetts, btw.
#massachusetts #HousingEquity #housinglaws #housingjustice #ada
For all our new (and old) friends on Mastodon: We also have a youtube channel 📺 featuring panel discussions and lectures by #MartinaLöw, #CindiKatz, #RaquelRolnik, #KellerEasterling, #WalterMignolo and many more!
Check it out here:
#sociology #geography #environmentalscience #architecture #planning #socialscience #spatial #housingjustice
#waltermignolo #raquelrolnik #housingjustice #spatial #socialscience #planning #architecture #environmentalscience #geography #sociology #kellereasterling #cindikatz #martinalow
I had a conversation w/Dianne Mathiowetz & Paul McClennan on the Labor Forum
@WRFGLABORFORUM on @WRFGatlanta, Atlanta's independent progressive radio station.
It's about #housingjustice, #housinginstability & #RedHotCity. Convo starts about 10 min's in.
#housingjustice #housinginstability #redhotcity
I had a conversation with Dianne Mathiowetz and Paul McClennan on their radio show, the Labor Forum @WRFGLABORFORUM on @WRFGatlanta, Atlanta's independent progressive radio station.
It's about #housingjustice, #housinginstability, and #RedHotCity.
#housingjustice #housinginstability #redhotcity
When We Fight We Win: Historic Affordable Housing Victory in East Boston
#Boston #Eastie #HousingJustice
#housingjustice #eastie #boston