How We All Became Forever #Renters
How #owningahome became a #pipedream.
Owning a #home has basically always been as essential to the #Americandream. But increasingly, #owning a home is starting to feel completely out of reach for the average American, especially younger people. So what happened? Are we all just bad with money, or did something in the #housingmarket shift to make #homeownership so unattainable?
#renters #owningahome #pipedream #home #americandream #owning #housingmarket #homeownership
🚨10 selected #researchluxembourg results 🚨
✅ An effective #antibody against #skincancer🧪
✅ How youth perceive their #weight🪞
✅ The fabulous destiny of #polaritons🔬
✅ European #healthdata⚕️
✅ The #overconsumption of harmful products📈
✅ The #housingmarket in #Luxembourg🏠
Discover the other #science & #research news from Luxembourg in July 2023 ➡️
#research #science #luxembourg #housingmarket #overconsumption #healthdata #polaritons #weight #skincancer #antibody #researchluxembourg
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #supportunions #workersrights #livingwage #housingcrisis #housingmarket #affordablehousing
#capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #Supportunions #workersrights #LivingWage #housingcrisis #housingmarket #affordablehousing
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #supportunions #workersrights #livingwage #housingcrisis #housingmarket #barbie
#capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #Supportunions #workersrights #LivingWage #housingcrisis #housingmarket #barbie
#5yrsago The future of “#FakeNews”: Pepsi gets Facebook to censor jokes about plastic in its Kurkure corn puffs
#5yrsago #UniversalBasicIncome vs #JobsGuarantees: which one will make us happier?
#5yrsago The #HousingMarket in America’s most expensive cities is imploding
#5yrsago #VoiceAssistants suck, but they suck worse if you have an “accent”
#5yrsago #fakenews #universalbasicincome #jobsguarantees #housingmarket #voiceassistants
Affordability gone
Imagined home in the future
Stuck in slow housing
#housingmarket #slowsales #homeprices #haiku #poetry
#housingmarket #slowsales #homeprices #haiku #poetry
Entire #HousingMarket, Buyers and Sellers, May Have Shrunk by 20% to 25% because of the 3% #Mortgages
Senate Democrats take aim at investor home purchases
#SenateDemocrats #InvestorHomePurchases #HousingMarket #RealEstateInvesting #Legislation #FinancialRegulation #Politics #News
#senatedemocrats #investorhomepurchases #housingmarket #realestateinvesting #legislation #financialregulation #politics #news
Expert: Airbnb downturn might help South Florida home market :
Local real estate experts say they are certain of one thing: South Florida is going to be fine even if short-term lease owners decide to move on.
#AirDNA #Airbnb #Alltherooms #FloridaAtlanticUniversity #housingmarket #KenJohnson #LongsteadatCorcoranGroup #Miami #Newsweek #NickGerli #NoaFigari #PropertyValues #realestate #rental
#airdna #airbnb #alltherooms #floridaatlanticuniversity #housingmarket #kenjohnson #longsteadatcorcorangroup #miami #newsweek #nickgerli #noafigari #propertyvalues #RealEstate #rental
Global News BC: Increasing vacancy rate in Kelowna best path to improving housing affordability: City #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #centralokanagan #Kelownadaycare #kelownarenting #CityofKelowna #housingmarket #RentalMarket #Consumer #Okanagan #Economy #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #centralokanagan #kelownadaycare #kelownarenting #cityofkelowna #housingmarket #rentalmarket #Consumer #okanagan #economy #Canada
One of the defining myths of our (external) via of #America is that it is a country with a significant level of internal (geographical) mobility - people moving to where economic opportunities are etc.
Well, interestingly what the data shows is this idea of a #UnitedStates on the move is wrong - America's population in more often staying put, even if this is involuntarily due to difficulties with the #housingmarket.
Which for some #economists may be a factor in the US' relative decline?
#america #UnitedStates #housingmarket #economists
For some #US residents, it is now impossible to get #homeinsurance - and all because of the #climatecrisis
The rising incidence of #wildfires means many #Californians can no longer #insure their property. It’s a sign of what’s ahead for the whole #housingmarket #climatechange
#us #homeinsurance #climatecrisis #wildfires #californians #insure #housingmarket #climatechange
Hard as it may be to believe (OK its not so hard given the structure of UK's #housingmarket), last month was the first time in a decade when house prices actually fell!
Its more proof that the housing market is driven by the availability of #credit, not the number fo houses.
House builders have continued to ration availability (not building to Govt. targets), but suddenly #mortgages have got more expensive driving a reversal in prices despite a continuing scarcity of houses to buy.
#housingmarket #credit #mortgages
Global News BC: Vancouver home sales up 15 cent from 2022 for May #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RealEstateBoardOfGreaterVancouver #Vancouver'sHousingMarket #Vancouverrealestate #Vancouverhousing #BCHousingMarket #MetroVancouver #housingmarket #AndrewLis #BCHousing #Economy #Canada #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #RealEstateBoardOfGreaterVancouver #Vancouver #Vancouverrealestate #Vancouverhousing #BCHousingMarket #metrovancouver #housingmarket #andrewlis #BCHousing #economy #Canada
How much to offer on a #house
It depends on the #housingmarket and other factors
New homes sales climb high
Rising housing prices, too few
Building a bright future
#housingmarket #realestate #useconomy #homesales #haiku #poetry
#housingmarket #realestate #useconomy #homesales #haiku #poetry
Rate Hikes Affecting Housing Markets in Eurozone, United States, ECB Study Shows - Interest rate hikes in the euro area are already causing a decline in housing inve... - #housinginvestment #housingspending #federalreserve #housingmarket #unitedstates #economics #inflation #ratehikes #euroarea #eurozone #decline #hikes #rates #study #drop #rate #ecb
#ecb #rate #drop #study #rates #hikes #decline #eurozone #euroarea #ratehikes #inflation #economics #unitedstates #housingmarket #federalreserve #housingspending #housinginvestment
Watch "investment property will crash this time #housingmarket #recession #finance #money #debt #investment" on YouTube
#housingmarket #recession #finance #money #debt #investment
Global News BC: Construction stable in Vancouver last year, but seller’s market is returning: Realtors #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverhousingsupply #Vancouverrealestate #Vancouverhousing #BCHousingMarket #Home-ownership #housingmarket #housingsupply #BCRealEstate #BCHousing #Consumer #Economy #CMHC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverhousingsupply #Vancouverrealestate #Vancouverhousing #BCHousingMarket #Home #housingmarket #housingsupply #BCRealEstate #BCHousing #Consumer #economy #cmhc