There is a housing shortage in the UK - we are constantly being told this.
Convince me!
(Lots of property seems to be empty and held as investment, particularly in London. )
(Surely market economics say that if more houses are built then the price of all houses reduces as the supply increases. But prices don't. Why not? ).
#housing #economics #ukpol #housingshortage
Global News BC: This Vancouver home made $18K a month from short-term rentals. Are regulations working? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouvershort-termrentals #shorttermrentalbylaw #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #shorttermrental #RentalHousing #Regulations #Vancouver #Consumer #Politics #Economy #Housing #Airbnb #Bylaw #VRBO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouvershort #shorttermrentalbylaw #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #shorttermrental #rentalhousing #regulations #Vancouver #Consumer #politics #economy #housing #airbnb #bylaw #vrbo
When #LosAngeles Confronted a #HousingShortage by Designing Communities
A look at what LA did in the past to build a lot of housing, and how current city and state electeds are traveling to Vienna to see how they’ve done it there.
Bungalow courtyard apartments, courtyards with open space, space designed for living, and, the current #ADU trend…
all in hopes of making housing affordable by building more housing units.
#losangeles #housingshortage #adu
Global News BC: Controversial condo complex in Vancouver’s Chinatown gets green light #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #developmentpermitboard #VancouverChinatown #105keeferdecision #HistoricChinatown #VancouverCityHall #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #Vancouvercondo #105keefervote #tenantsunit #105Keefer #Chinatown #Politics #Housing
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #developmentpermitboard #VancouverChinatown #105keeferdecision #historicchinatown #vancouvercityhall #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #vancouvercondo #105keefervote #tenantsunit #105Keefer #Chinatown #politics #housing
RE supply still kinda low. #HousingShortage
Global News BC: 47 municipalities revealed to be on B.C.’s housing ‘naughty list’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #municipalitieshousing #housingnaughtylist #B.C.HousingCrisis #HousingSupplyAct #MunicipalHousing #housingshortage #housingtargets #housingcrisis #B.C.Housing #Development #NaughtyList #RaviKahlon #Economy #Housing #redtape
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #municipalitieshousing #housingnaughtylist #b #HousingSupplyAct #municipalhousing #housingshortage #HousingTargets #HousingCrisis #development #naughtylist #RaviKahlon #economy #housing #redtape
Global News BC: Lack of housing becoming an HR issue in the North Okanagan #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RegionalDistrictofNorthOkanagan #VernonSchoolDistrict #housingshortage #InteriorHealth #NorthOkanagan #Employment #Staffing #Housing #Canada #hiring #Vernon #RDNO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictofnorthokanagan #vernonschooldistrict #housingshortage #InteriorHealth #NorthOkanagan #employment #staffing #housing #Canada #hiring #Vernon #rdno
Design Milk : New Emergency Housing Model Designed to Meet Essential Human Needs #EssentialHomesResearchProject #sustainablearchitecture #NormanFosterFoundation #sustainabledesign #housingshortage #disasterrelief #housingconcept #Architecture #emergencyaid #NormanFoster #microliving #sustainable
#essentialhomesresearchproject #sustainablearchitecture #normanfosterfoundation #sustainabledesign #housingshortage #disasterrelief #housingconcept #architecture #emergencyaid #normanfoster #microliving #sustainable
It’s great. The old stadium can take the overflow from the tent city in the Showgrounds. Another 1000 houses can be turned into AirBnB’s.
“Treasurer Jim Chalmers said a 23,000 seat stadium 6.7 km away from an existing 20,000 seat stadium was exactly what struggling families needed. “When it comes finding a place to live, Australians love their footy,” he said.
#MONA #Hobart #Politas #Auspol #Homelessness #HousingShortage #AFL #MacquariePoint
#mona #hobart #politas #auspol #homelessness #housingshortage #afl #macquariepoint
Thousands of children sharing beds due to overcrowding
Just how it used to be. Generations lived like this. OK not out of choice, and not without problems. Nevertheless, it shouldn't be in 2023.
#Costoflivingcrisis #housingshortage #overcrowding
This was awfully well written and clearly argued.
#housingcrisis #housingshortage
There have been several articles about converting unused/old office space into #housing to deal with America's #housingshortage and #affordablehousing problem. This article does a great job of visualizing these conversions and why some #buildings mostly older buildings, are better for conversion than others due to #structural, #market, and #zoning issues.
#zoning #market #structural #buildings #affordablehousing #housingshortage #housing
In Amsterdam even #cats have to deal with the #HousingShortage Brock exploring his improvised shelter. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Wooncrisis
#wooncrisis #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #housingshortage #Cats
Global News BC: Rental data shows some municipalities not pulling their weight on new units, analyst says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #metrovancouverrental #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #Vancouverrental #richmondrental #housingcrisis #langleyrental #B.C.Housing #rentalunits #Vancouver #Housing #Canada #Rental #Tenant #Rent
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouverrental #Vancouverhousing #housingshortage #vancouverrental #richmondrental #HousingCrisis #langleyrental #b #rentalunits #Vancouver #housing #Canada #rental #Tenant #rent
disgusting, some landlords are renting their appartment really cheap as long as the tennant will have sex with them. #housingshortage #rent #landlords #sex
#housingshortage #rent #landlords #sex
It's about goddamn time....
Cities repurpose underused malls to address #housingshortage
#Localgovernments are leveraging largely vacant and blighted #malls to address #housingaffordability. #Federalfunding and new #laws and #regulations, such as #zoningchanges, are aiding that effort.
#housingshortage #localgovernments #malls #housingaffordability #federalfunding #laws #regulations #zoningchanges
This is a typically "we're all looking for the guy that did this.gif" traffic article by the #Boston Globe. Not a single mention of #BikesAreTransportation
The intricate mess of #CarBrain, #HousingShortage, MBTA underinvestment, make it seem like being the world's FOURTH WORST TRAFFIC CONGESTED REGION is inevitable
It isn't. We're choosing cars is all
#boston #bikesaretransportation #CarBrain #housingshortage
How does one keep going like everything is normal in the middle of #climateChange, #housingShortage, #Inflation, #warInUkraine (one country away from me), #aiArt without #ubi, election week and fourth year of #covid #pandemic?
I probably forgot to list something.
#climatechange #housingshortage #Inflation #WARINUKRAINE #aiart #ubi #covid #pandemic
@alexf24 I read that there was a #HousingShortage so the #CityOfBologna decreed that all buildings must have #Porticoes to house the students.
#porticoes #cityofbologna #housingshortage
Global News BC: ‘Dorm’ housing for Whistler hotel staff in Squamish home raising eyebrows #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fourseasonswhistler #housingshortage #squamishhousing #WorkerHousing #staffhousing #FourSeasons #squamish #Housing #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fourseasonswhistler #housingshortage #squamishhousing #WorkerHousing #staffhousing #FourSeasons #squamish #housing #Canada