Peace is good for #StrongmanCapitalism, bad for the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex: Iran and Saudi Arabia have effectively fought a devastating proxy war in #Yemen, where #Houthi rebels aligned with Tehran battled Saudi forces for eight years.
#BRICSPolitics #NonAlignedMovement #NewColdWar #PeaceDividend #ClintonWasTheWorstPresident #CarbonBombKleptocracies
#carbonbombkleptocracies #strongmancapitalism #militaryindustrialcomplex #yemen #bricspolitics #nonalignedmovement #newcoldwar #houthi #peacedividend #clintonwastheworstpresident
Basha: #Yemen
On the 41st anniversary of Sanaa's General People's Congress #GPC, Chair Sadeq Abu Rass indirectly criticized #Houthi governance, highlighting issues like unpaid public salaries, strict religious regulations, covert rule, and transparency concerns. @yemen
A weapons shipment caught our eye,
A US government reply
Tens of thousands of rifles,
Enough ammunition for miles
Meant for Houthi forces in Yemen so high
#us #weapons #houthi #yemen #ode #poetry
#us #weapons #houthi #yemen #ode #poetry
Riyadh Aldubai: The released abductee Muhammed Alhasani cries as he tells the story of his torture at the hands of Abdul- Qadir Al-Murtada, @abdulqadermortd head of the prisoners’ committee of the #Houthi group. He says that Al-Murtada was putting his shoes in Alhasani's mouth. @yemen
Baha’i International Community: One of the Baha’is taken during a raid in #Yemen by #Houthi gunmen, on 25 May, is Ahmad Al Malahi who has a life-threatening condition. His health has worsened in detention, and he must be released and treated before it becomes too late. The Houthis are responsible for his life. #Yemen @yemen
Yemeni Radar: The wife of an imprisoned citizen burns her veil and sends a distress message to the #Houthis to release her husband, an imam and preacher of the Shamlan Mosque, who is entering his third year and is in the prisons of the #Houthi militia. @yemen
Plane flies rebel prisoners from Saudi to Yemen
#ICRC #Prisonerexchange #houthi #iran #yemen #saudiarabia
Despite hope, Yemen peace talks are oversold, experts say
#saudiarabia #yemen #GlobalFoodSecurity #houthi
Yemen: Prisoner swap kindles hope for some families, but peace remains out of sight
#Yemen #Sanaa #Houthi #SaudiArabia #Iran #Maribregion #control #worsthumanitariancrisis #hunger #Aden #Yemenwar
#yemenwar #aden #hunger #worsthumanitariancrisis #control #maribregion #iran #saudiarabia #houthi #sanaa #yemen
#Yemen urges 'firm stance' on #Houthi threats to journalists @yemen
Gli #Houthi "stanno commettendo “violazioni sistematiche dei diritti delle donne e delle ragazze”, tra cui il diritto alla libertà di movimento, di espressione, salute e lavoro, nonché una discriminazione diffusa."
#HumanRights #Yemen #6febbraio #Women
#houthi #humanrights #yemen #6febbraio #women
From @YemeniFatima on Twitter:
AbdulRahman, a resident of #Taiz, was tragically shot by a #Houthi sniper before his wedding on Monday. The Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have been targeting residents of Taiz w/ impunity. The lack of protection of Taiz is a serious failure of the UN mediation process #Yemen