“Don't believe. Don't believe what you see online. Don't believe the lives of your friends on social media. Don't believe the articles you read. Don't believe the images you see every day. Most of all, don't believe your eyes when you see an artwork by Howard Lee.They lie.” — https://www.howardleeart.com/
#art #illusion #howardlee #trees #painting
My daughter tried creating one of these last night using brush markers, pens and pencils (instead of the restaurant wax crayons I used over the weekend).
She’s getting there. Starting to understand perspective and light in her art, and this was a good demonstration of how much the latter can impact a drawing.
Showed my daughter a video by Howard Lee this morning while we waited for a table for our brunch with a neighbor. A variation of this one: https://youtu.be/VKKsEeDy4oc
Once we were seated, they gave us a selection of wax crayons and a sheet of paper, so I drew this for her. Shadows are not quite right, but the effect still sort of works.