Read a post on here from someone who needs the alt text on images to be able to engage with posts. I've found the instructions to add alt text and it's not exactly great UI so it's possible posters are missing it. Here's the article:
You have to edit the image after selecting it.
#introduction #userGuide #howDoesThisWork #howDoesMastodonWork #beginnerGuide #beginnersGuide #howToPost #altText #howToAddAltText #postingImages #accesibility
#introduction #userguide #howdoesthiswork #howdoesmastodonwork #beginnerguide #beginnersguide #howtopost #alttext #howtoaddalttext #postingimages #accesibility
I read a post on here from someone who needs the alt text on images to be able to engage with posts. I've found the instructions to add alt text and it's not exactly great UI so it's possible posters are missing it. Here's the article:
You have to edit the image after selecting it.
#introduction #userGuide #howDoesThisWork #howDoesMastodonWork #beginnerGuide #beginnersGuide #howToPost #altText #howToAddAltText #postingImages #accesibility
#introduction #userguide #howdoesthiswork #howdoesmastodonwork #beginnerguide #beginnersguide #howtopost #alttext #howtoaddalttext #postingimages #accesibility
Mastodon awakes
From the wreckage of twitter
Comes a saner place
#haiku #poet #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity #HowDoesMastodonWork #whatamidoinghere
#haiku #poet #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity #howdoesmastodonwork #whatamidoinghere
No matter what I do I can't get the Mastodon app on my phone to work. Every time I try to log in it makes me start all over and choose a server then tells me that my password is wrong even though I can log in via my web browser on my desktop PC.
#alazarinmobius #theinvisibleband #interplanetaryliberationfront #progressiverock #spacerock #secondlife #cubase #livestream #bandcamp #youtube #music #progrock #livestreammusic #cantgetmastodontoworkonmyphone #howdoesmastodonwork
#howdoesmastodonwork #cantgetmastodontoworkonmyphone #livestreammusic #ProgRock #music #youtube #bandcamp #livestream #cubase #secondlife #spacerock #progressiverock #interplanetaryliberationfront #theinvisibleband #alazarinmobius