Blaugust Week 5: Lessons Learned
It's the last week of Blaugust, and I have learned some things.
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #howimetyourmother #lessonslearned
The whole internet agrees that Doug Martin and Randy from How I Met Your Mother should get married. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #DougMartin #WillSasso #Randy #WillForte
#himym #howimetyourmother #dougmartin #willsasso #randy #willforte
We all agree that Tom and Curtis are the most perfect couple on How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Tom #JaiRodriguez #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #tom #jairodriguez #curtis #rogerbart
Lucy and Don from How I Met Your Mother getting together would be positively rad! #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Lucy #DarcyRoseByrnes #Don #BenjaminKoldyke
#himym #howimetyourmother #lucy #darcyrosebyrnes #don #benjaminkoldyke
Wendy and Julia from How I Met Your Mother. IYKYK. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Wendy #CharleneAmoia #Julia #KathyUyen
#himym #howimetyourmother #wendy #charleneamoia #julia #kathyuyen
#EdEddNEddy #beetlejuice #adventuretime #avatarthelastairbender #xxxholic #haikyuu
#strangedaysatblakeholseyhigh #freaksandgeeks #thetwilightzone #ghostwhisperer #supernatural #skins #americanhorrorstory #ratched #feud #gilmoregirls #howimetyourmother #mindhunter #seinfeld #hannibal
#theumbrellaacademy #russiandoll #themidnightgospel #you #locke&key #thesandman #strangerthings #wednesday #neverhaveiever #chillingadventuresofsabrina #youngroyals #midnightmass #archive81 #lockwood&co.
#EdEddNEddy #beetlejuice #adventuretime #avatarthelastairbender #xxxholic #haikyuu #strangedaysatblakeholseyhigh #freaksandgeeks #thetwilightzone #ghostwhisperer #supernatural #skins #americanhorrorstory #ratched #feud #gilmoregirls #howimetyourmother #mindhunter #seinfeld #hannibal #theumbrellaacademy #russiandoll #themidnightgospel #you #locke #thesandman #strangerthings #wednesday #neverhaveiever #chillingadventuresofsabrina #youngroyals #midnightmass #archive81 #lockwood
Kara and Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother - kiss when? #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Kara #AishaKabia #BarneyStinson #NeilPatrickHarris
#himym #howimetyourmother #Kara #aishakabia #BarneyStinson #neilpatrickharris
Josh Radnor & Cobie Smulders’s Left Shoulder: Short Love Story #himym #howimetyourmother #shorts
#himym #howimetyourmother #shorts #コビー・スマルダース
Tracy McConnell and Genevieve from How I Met Your Mother getting together would be posilutely magnificent! #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #TracyMcConnell #CristinMilioti #Genevieve #TraceyUllman
#himym #howimetyourmother #tracymcconnell #cristinmilioti #genevieve #TraceyUllman
Just get hitched already Daphne and Bilson from How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Daphne #SherriShepherd #Bilson #BryanCallen
#himym #howimetyourmother #daphne #sherrishepherd #bilson #bryancallen
We just need Brad and Curtis from How I Met Your Mother to smooch. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Brad #JoeManganiello #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #brad #joemanganiello #curtis #rogerbart
We all know that Katie and Cheryl from How I Met Your Mother are endgame. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Katie #LucyHale #Cheryl #NancyLenehan
#himym #howimetyourmother #katie #lucyhale #cheryl #nancylenehan
Just canoodle already Clint and Scooby from How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Clint #HarryGroener #Scooby #RobbieAmell
#himym #howimetyourmother #clint #harrygroener #scooby #robbieamell
Alfred Mosby and Darryl from How I Met Your Mother getting together would be posilutely ridonkulous! #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #AlfredMosby #MichaelGross #Darryl #ToddSandler
#himym #howimetyourmother #alfredmosby #michaelgross #darryl #toddsandler
The whole gang agrees that Rita and Tony are the awesomest couple on How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Rita #ChristinaPickles #Tony #JasonJones
#himym #howimetyourmother #rita #christinapickles #tony #jasonjones
The whole squad agrees that Mrs. Douglas and Lou are the awesomest couple on How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #MrsDouglas #BarbaraPerry #Lou #RobertMichaelMorris
#himym #howimetyourmother #mrsdouglas #BarbaraPerry #lou #robertmichaelmorris
We just need Wilkinson and Arthur from How I Met Your Mother to canoodle. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Wilkinson #JoelMcCrary #Arthur #MattJones
#himym #howimetyourmother #Wilkinson #joelmccrary #arthur #mattjones
We all agree Jamindy (Jamie and Cindy) is the best ship on How I Met Your Mother. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Jamie #GeorgeFinn #Cindy #RachelBilson
#himym #howimetyourmother #jamie #georgefinn #cindy #rachelbilson
The whole fam just wants Punchy and Curtis from How I Met Your Mother to flirt with each other. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Punchy #ChrisRomano #Curtis #RogerBart
#himym #howimetyourmother #punchy #chrisromano #curtis #rogerbart
Trudony (Trudy and Tony) from How I Met Your Mother is the sweetest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Trudy #DanicaMcKellar #Tony #JasonJones
#himym #howimetyourmother #trudy #danicamckellar #tony #jasonjones