#GuardiansOfTheGalaxy Volume 3 - #HowItShouldHaveEnded
CW: Spoilers
The Stallone joke got me good
#cinemastodon #SuperHeroes #MCU #Marvel #Comics #GOTG
#guardiansofthegalaxy #howitshouldhaveended #cinemastodon #superheroes #mcu #marvel #comics #gotg
"Yes. They were leaving, doubtless to pursue their vile trade on some other world, one that might not be so lucky as to have you to defend it.
"In my great-grandfather's day, when the Navy came across a slaver ship, they did not let it sail away; they sent it to the bottom and hanged survivors of its crew as hosti humani generis, the common enemies of all mankind. And if the price of upholding that long and honorable tradition today is my career - then, Doctor, I pay it gladly."
#doctorwho #thechristmasinvasion #howitshouldhaveended
How It Should Have Ended's Batman and Superman commenting on streaming services. From 2019, but I have to agree with Batman: A) who has time to watch all of these "must see" shows? (Being "faster than a speeding bullet" apparently somehow helps...) and B) you don't need to buy every streaming service.
#streaming #howitshouldhaveended #batman #superman
How it should have ended: The new Star wars trilogy.
Kylo actually becomes a true villain (no emperor nonsense). Finds his way to the Ancient Sith temple (Fascists are obsessed with the past) but in the process has pushed everyone away.
Sits alone on the Sith throne while his forces crumble or flee. The most powerful force user, but stranded on a dead planet alone.
#starwars #howitshouldhaveended #sith #stillthinkingabout #movies #starwardsreturnofskywalker #betterending
#starwars #howitshouldhaveended #sith #stillthinkingabout #movies #starwardsreturnofskywalker #betterending
Animation Monday: How Top Gun Maverick Should Have Ended
Welcome to the Animation Monday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Animation Monday will feature stuff from the animation and cartoon worlds. Animation has become an ext
#AnimationTalkStuff #Animated #animation #AnimationMonday #CartoonAnimation #cartoons #HowItShouldHaveEnded #HowTopGunMaverickShouldHaveEnded #TopGun:Maverick #YouTube
#animationtalkstuff #Animated #animation #animationmonday #cartoonanimation #cartoons #howitshouldhaveended #howtopgunmaverickshouldhaveended #topgun #youtube
#howitshouldhaveended #skyrim #spoiler #theelderscrolls #hishe #funny