Helena Simmons · @Hellybootwader
284 followers · 1071 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Sat down after tea (very appropriately) and wrote out a list of what/how many plants we are eating now (over the course of a year). There were some tricky decisions - are wild and cultivated strawberries one or two plants? Just because broccoli, turnip, kohl Rabi are all technically the same plant bred to eat different bits are they one or many?
Some arbitrary decisions later I think we have hit 117 different plants.
Not all the time, & we do try and eat seasonally.

#food #howmanyplantsdoyoueat

Last updated 1 year ago

Helena Simmons · @Hellybootwader
283 followers · 1037 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Reminded of a piece of information I read/heard a while ago about how people used to eat a wider diversity of plants, maybe 200+ (details are fuzzy & I couldn’t find a number by searching online).
At the time we wrote out all that we ate as a family.
I think we made it to 100, it would be interesting to see if we managed to diversify further. As we have grown a few new perennial plants since then.
I wonder if gardeners eat a bigger range?

#FoodDiversity #howmanyplantsdoyoueat #food

Last updated 1 year ago