Auch spannend: das eine #Kirche / eine #Gemeinde auch ein großes Business-Imperium sein bzw. haben kann.
#kirche #gemeinde #howtobeanantiracist
Nach den Lesen der ersten Kapitel von #HowToBeAnAntiracist bin ich überrascht, wie viel #BlackLiberation offensichtlich im christlichen Glauben bzw. einigen christlichen Kirchen steckt.
Mein #Kirche ist allerdings sehr weiß...
#howtobeanantiracist #BlackLiberation #kirche #ChristSein #weißSein
#AmReading : “How To Be an Antiracist“
von Ibram X. Kendi ( englisch).
#amreading #howtobeanantiracist #kendi
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
Curious to know which books and/or organizations shaped your #SocialJustice and #RacialEquity lens
Looking at this book list from
The first book I read on #RaceConscious perspectives was #RaceMatters from #CornelWest
I typically recommend #HowToBeAnAntiRacist by #IbramXKendi to folks who are new to learning about #antiracism and #WeDoThisTilWeFreeUs by #MariameKaba for folks who are learning about #CommunityOrganizing with an #abolitionist lens
The orgs I recommend following to learn the basics around social justice issues are #MovementForBlackLives #M4BL #NDNCollective #ShowingUpForRacialJustice #SURJ #CriticalResistance and so many others
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #socialjustice #racialequity #raceconscious #racematters #cornelwest #howtobeanantiracist #IbramXKendi #antiracism #wedothistilwefreeus #MariameKaba #communityorganizing #abolitionist #movementforblacklives #M4BL #ndncollective #showingupforracialjustice #SURJ #criticalresistance
It is going to take some time for me to process all of's #HowToBeAnAntiracist but something that struck me early on was his personal relationship with racism and how that matches my own relationship with homophobia and transphobia.