It’s January 1st and holy moly, #HowToChange has climbed back to the top of the #BehavioralScience 📚 charts on Amazon 🎉🎉🎉
#NewYearsResolutions #FreshStartEffect
P.S. If you’re eager to get a hard copy & see a long wait on Amazon, check other vendors:
#howtochange #behavioralscience #NewYearsResolutions #freshstarteffect
It’s almost January 1 so like clockwork (and as described in #HowToChange) I’m getting my annual flood of interview requests about #NewYearsResolutions and the #FreshStartEffect. I’ve set up a makeshift studio for interviews in my parents’ closet since I’m on the road. Not bad?
#howtochange #NewYearsResolutions #freshstarteffect
If you’re thinking about tackling a new goal in the new year, this week’s episode of #HiddenBrain covers my book’s top tips on #HowToChange. Happy listening👂
You ask a good but difficult question. I responded recently to a similar question from @Pampa about what we can do. See:
See also this essay by me about why Corporations so often disappoint us.
* Fiduciary Duty vs The Three Laws of Robotics
In terms of practical proposals, here in the US there were 2 proposals made by Bernie Sanders in the 2020 US election are relevant. This one specifically addresses shareholder capitalism in some ways:
* Corporate Accountability and Democracy
And this one addresses getting the government involved directly:
* Green New Deal
Elizabeth Warren, also a 2020 US Presidential Candidate had this proposal to reform capitalism:
* Accountable Capitalism Act
These are not complete solutions but they are both material attempts to undo some of the more corrosive issues of capitalism.
But really none of this will happen until the public stops being denial. I think people still think they can put this off. At minimum, that just sells out our kids and grandkids. But given the acceleration of things, it probably sells ourselves out as well. If we wait until we can see it, that's too late.
I'll close with a reminder of how we need to really trust science more than our intuitions:
* Humanity's Superpower
#climate #ClimateChange #capitalism #howtochange
English version below
Gisteren gebeurde het weer.
Na een lezing over de staat van het klimaat, over alle mensenlevens en soorten die we dreigen te verliezen, hoewel we weten wat kan en moet gebeuren, werd er gezucht, gepuft, schouders opgehaald en de armen in de lucht gegooid, 'Of het allemaal nog zin heeft, dat verzet?' Fatalisme heeft stevig wortel geschoten. Hoe antwoorden jullie daarop?
Yesterday it happened again.
After a lecture on the climate crisis, on all the human lifes and many other species we risk to loose, although we know what can and should be done, the public shook heads and raised shoulders. 'It's pointless', they sighed, 'Capitalism is too strong. People too lame. We will never change'
Fatalism has rooted deeply in the hearts and minds of engaged people.
What's your response when you encounter it?
#climate #biodiversity #howtochange