Another week goes by and another round of #Linux #gaming #news, #reviews, and #HowTos need to be covered. We're going to put them in teeny tiny little tuxedos and talk about everything else but.
No, I don't know where I'm going with that but it doesn't matter. #LinuxGameCast is live:
#linux #gaming #news #reviews #howtos #linuxgamecast
Another week goes by and another round of #Linux #gaming #news, #reviews, and #HowTos need to be covered. We're going to put them in teeny tiny little tuxedos and talk about everything else but.
No, I don't know where I'm going with that but it doesn't matter. #LinuxGameCast is live:
#linux #gaming #news #reviews #howtos #linuxgamecast
How add a Python virtual environment to your Jupyter Kernel list
#Howtos #Python
Say you have a custom virtual environment named myEnv, in which you have meticulously setup an old Python version, together with some arcane packages (activated by source .myEnv/bin/activate), you must install package ipykernel to make this environment capable of interfacing with your host system Python insta
Fediverse lesson: Alt Text!
Alt text aka image descriptions are an important part of culture here on the Fediverse. Let me explain!
What are they: text based descriptions of images. These are important if someone is using a screen reader. It allows someone who may be visually impaired from still experiencing the content!
So. How do you write alt text? Simple. Describe the photo. Perhaps mention the subject. What is happening in the photo. What the context behind it. If there's some text you should definitely type out. Close your eyes and imagine how you would describe this image to someone!
Plus if someone's connection is a little slow or messy, they can get the gist of an image before it loads!
If you forget, you can always edit your post!
So whether you're sharing some of your cool art, a pretty photo you took, or a spicy meme. Don't forget the alt text! Folks will thank you! ^w^
#fediverse #howtos #fediverseculture #help
Further updating #fediverse #guides and #howtos - I present another poll
in Windows - I prefer MS PowerShell, secondary is PuTTy.
OS/X I use iterm2
Linux is just the terminal thats built in
So fediverse - whats your favorite #sshclient?
#fediverse #guides #howtos #sshclient #SSH #linux #windows #osx #terminal
Everyone doing any #TechnicalWriting #Documentation #Tutorials or #Howtos needs to just stop right now. Don't write or record another word.
Read this:
Are you making the right thing for the right audience? And labeling it correctly for the right people to find?
#technicalwriting #documentation #tutorials #howtos
I finally came around and bought a couple #yubikeys
I will need to learn and figure out how they can be properly integrated into my use.
If anyone has any pointers or #howtos, please share.
#yubikeys #1password #2fa
#yubikeys #howtos #1password #2fa
The primary hurdle I am seeing with most folks here n abouts, is the apparent lack of "general knowledge" of how things other than the blue like button, birdsite & the red data mining button are used.
& worse still, many seem uninterested in learning!
Does anyone have any sort of #reorientationtools ? #howtos that can #degeek this little bug!!
@Hamishcampbell @msaunders
#reorientationtools #howtos #degeek
Kid3 Tag Editor 3.8.3 Released, How to Install in Ubuntu 20.04 #howtos #kid3 #news
[Quick Tip] Enable Textual File Path Entry in Ubuntu 20.04 #howtos
How to Install Canon Printer Driver, ScanGear MP in Ubuntu 20.04 #canondrivers #howtos
Enable Top Panel Dynamic Transparency in Ubuntu 20.04 #toppaneltransparency #howtos
How to Set Custom Wallpaper Slideshow in Ubuntu 20.04 #desktopslideshow #howtos
How to Get Classic Start Menu in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #classicstartmenu #howtos
[Quick Tip] Add ‘Open as Administrator’ in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #openasadministrator #howtos
Celluloid (Formerly Gnome MPV) 0.19 Released [Ubuntu PPA] #gnomempv #howtos #news
RetroArch Emulator 1.8.5 Released with Stability Improvements #retroarch #howtos #news
DeadBeeF Music Player 1.8.3 Released [Howto Install] #deadbeefmusicplayer #howtos #news
#deadbeefmusicplayer #howtos #news
Kodi 18.6 Available to Install via PPA in Ubuntu 18.04 #xbmcmediacenter #howtos #kodi #news
#xbmcmediacenter #howtos #kodi #news