Asking how to say a word in Hebrew made easy! Just insert the word you want to learn into the following sentence.
#hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #howtosay #howdoyousay #learninghebrew #speakinghebrew #language #speak #jewish #languagelesson #tourist #conversation #fyp #mastodon #fediverse #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #howtosay #howdoyousay #learninghebrew #speakinghebrew #language #speak #jewish #languagelesson #tourist #conversation #fyp #mastodon #fediverse #mazeldon
Do you speak English? How to ask it in Hebrew!
#hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #jewish #english #questionoftheday #lessonoftheday #speakenglish #englishspeaking #language #languages #foreigner #israel #howtosay #fyp #mastodon #fediverse #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #hebrew #jewish #english #questionoftheday #lessonoftheday #speakenglish #englishspeaking #language #languages #foreigner #israel #howtosay #fyp #mastodon #fediverse #mazeldon #jewdiverse
The real way to ask "What do you think?" in Hebrew
#hebrewforbeginners #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #israel #hebrew #jewish #opinion #opinions #thoughts #thinking #howtosay #Fediverse #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#learnhebrew #hebrewlessons #hebrewforbeginners #hebrewforadults #hebrewforchristians #israel #hebrew #jewish #opinion #opinions #thoughts #thinking #howtosay #fediverse #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
Ask for a recommendation in Hebrew!
#whatdoyourecommend #recommendation #recommend #recommended #recommendations #recommends #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #conversational #hebrew #jewish #anyidea #anytips #howtosay #whatsgood #Fediverse #Mastodon #mazeldon
#whatdoyourecommend #recommendation #recommend #recommended #recommendations #recommends #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #conversational #hebrew #jewish #anyidea #anytips #howtosay #whatsgood #fediverse #mastodon #mazeldon
Four ways to say forever in Hebrew.
#hebrewbyinbal #forever #hebrew #jewish #howtosay #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #Fediverse
#hebrewbyinbal #forever #hebrew #jewish #howtosay #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #fediverse
They are your pride and joy, your child(ren) but what about acknowledging their mother or father? Here it is in Hebrew!
#hebrewbyinbal #father #mother #child #children #kids #family #parent #parents #wearefamily #howtosay #jewish #hebrew #Fediverse #Mastodon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #father #mother #child #children #kids #family #parent #parents #wearefamily #howtosay #jewish #hebrew #fediverse #mastodon #jewdiverse
Step into excellency, and learn Hebrew the practical and rewarding way!
Join my online conversational course for 50% off! Let's add some fun and excitement to your language learning journey.
Click the link in the bio > choose the course from the rewards list for $197 > checkout: YOU ARE IN!
#excellent #teriffic #great #betterthangood
#howtosay #wonderful #perfect #learnhebrew #speakinghebrew #hebrewculture #hebrewlanguage #amazing #wow #jewish #hebrew #fyp #mazeldon #Mastodon
#verygood #excellent #teriffic #great #betterthangood #howtosay #wonderful #perfect #learnhebrew #speakinghebrew #hebrewculture #hebrewlanguage #amazing #wow #jewish #hebrew #fyp #mazeldon #mastodon
How to be gracious in Hebrew. Try them!
#hebrewbyinbal #thankyou #youshouldnthave #itslovely #howdidyouknow #gifts #gracious #howtosay #language #lesson #hebrew #jewish #fyp #Fediverse #Mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #thankyou #youshouldnthave #itslovely #howdidyouknow #gifts #gracious #howtosay #language #lesson #hebrew #jewish #fyp #fediverse #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
How to say, “have a good day, good luck, & you as well” in Hebrew!
3 for Thursday Mini Lesson.
#hebrewbyinbal #howtosay #goodluck #haveagoodday #youaswell #hebrew #jewish #lesson #fyp #video #language #mastodon #mazeldon #thursday
#hebrewbyinbal #howtosay #goodluck #haveagoodday #youaswell #hebrew #jewish #lesson #fyp #video #language #mastodon #mazeldon #thursday
Being creative in Hebrew! Singing, Dancing, or Painting. Which one are you or do you have a different way to create?
Comment Below and don’t forget to sign up for my new Hebrew Course at discounted savings!
#hebrewbyinbal #creative #creativity #paint #sing #dance #expressyourself #hebrew #dancing #dancer #singer #painter #artist #art #jewish #learnhebrew #language #create #howtosay #fyp #creator #masculine #feminine #mastodon #mazeldon #Fediverse #artist
#hebrewbyinbal #creative #creativity #paint #sing #dance #expressyourself #hebrew #dancing #dancer #singer #painter #artist #art #jewish #learnhebrew #language #create #howtosay #fyp #creator #masculine #feminine #mastodon #mazeldon #fediverse
How to say, “Always, Never, Sometimes” in Hebrew!
Don’t forget to purchase my new Hebrew Made Easy Course before the special discounted price ends:
#hebrewbyinbal #never #always #sometimes #hebrew #jewish #fyp #learnhebrew #course #languagelearning #video #kickstarter #mazeldon #jewdiverse #Mastodon #fedi #Fediverse #howtosay
#hebrewbyinbal #never #always #sometimes #hebrew #jewish #fyp #learnhebrew #course #languagelearning #video #kickstarter #mazeldon #jewdiverse #mastodon #fedi #fediverse #howtosay
How to say, “A Song in Hebrew”
What is your favorite Hebrew or any language Song? Comment with it and share your favs!
#hebrewbyinbal #song #songs #hebrew #hebrewsong #howtosay #hebrewmusic #playlist #favoritesong #share #lesson #reel #fyp #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #teacher
#hebrewbyinbal #song #songs #hebrew #hebrewsong #howtosay #hebrewmusic #playlist #favoritesong #share #lesson #reel #fyp #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse #teacher
Good Morning, what’s for breakfast?
Comment and I’ll translate! Enjoy and Have a great Saturday. Don’t forget to sign up for my new course, click bio link or here:
#hebrewbyinbal #coffee #icedamericano #icedcoffee #hebrew #avocado #toast #breakfast #whatsforbreakfast #howtosay #saturday #saturdaymorning #healthy #healthyfoods #breakfasttime #avocadotoast #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #coffee #icedamericano #icedcoffee #hebrew #avocado #toast #breakfast #whatsforbreakfast #howtosay #saturday #saturdaymorning #healthy #healthyfoods #breakfasttime #avocadotoast #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
More than one way to say “Wait” in Hebrew!
#hebrewbyinbal #wait #waitasecond #waitaminute #onemoment #waitamoment #male #female #hebrew #onesecond #oneminute #holdon #slowdown #jewish #howtosay #happymonday #pause #learnhebrew #patience #cantwait #mastodon #mazeldon #teachers
#hebrewbyinbal #wait #waitasecond #waitaminute #onemoment #waitamoment #male #female #hebrew #onesecond #oneminute #holdon #slowdown #jewish #howtosay #happymonday #pause #learnhebrew #patience #cantwait #mastodon #mazeldon #teachers
Hello Monday!
It’s the 2nd day of the Week in Judaism and for many the 1st day of the work week.
Here is all you need to know about it, Happy “Sheni” and have a great week!
#hebrewbyinbal #monday #sheni #judaism #weekday #hebrew #mondays #jewish #daysoftheweek #calendar #howtosay #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #mondayvibes #coffeetime #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #monday #sheni #judaism #weekday #hebrew #mondays #jewish #daysoftheweek #calendar #howtosay #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #mondayvibes #coffeetime #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse Hebrew Names, it’s biblical origins and modern pronunciation.
What’s your Hebrew name?
#hebrewbyinbal #name #names #saymyname #mynameis #hebrew #whatsyourname #namegame #jewish #biblical #modern #origins #nameit #torah #bible #howtosay #israelites #mastodon #mazeldon #jews
#hebrewbyinbal #name #names #saymyname #mynameis #hebrew #whatsyourname #namegame #jewish #biblical #modern #origins #nameit #torah #bible #howtosay #israelites #mastodon #mazeldon #jews
Hebrew Names, it’s biblical origins and modern pronunciation.
What’s your Hebrew name?
#hebrewbyinbal #name #names #saymyname #mynameis #hebrew #whatsyourname #namegame #jewish #biblical #modern #origins #nameit #torah #bible #howtosay #israelites #mastodon #mazeldone #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #name #names #saymyname #mynameis #hebrew #whatsyourname #namegame #jewish #biblical #modern #origins #nameit #torah #bible #howtosay #israelites #mastodon #mazeldone #jewdiverse
“Before, After, & Now” all in Hebrew.
Click to see all of my language learning resources and to keep up to date on what’s coming.
#hebrewbyinbal #before #after #now #anytime #learnhebrew #hebrew #jewish #lesson #video #trending #howtosay #lessonoftheday #saturday #weekend #learning #matodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #before #after #now #anytime #learnhebrew #hebrew #jewish #lesson #video #trending #howtosay #lessonoftheday #saturday #weekend #learning #matodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
Happy Shishi “Friday”
It’s been a busy week for me and I’m ready for the weekend. Thank you for spending your valuable time visiting Hebrew by Inbal and for the new members of the community I’m grateful you joined!
Wishing all a safe and peaceful weekend. I’ll be here ready to share Hebrew learning.
#hebrewbyinbal #tgif #shabbat #shabbatshalom #weekend #friday #shishi #weekendvibes #hebrew #jewish #language #learnhebrew #restandrelaxation #howtosay #thankyou #jewish #mastodon #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #tgif #shabbat #shabbatshalom #weekend #friday #shishi #weekendvibes #hebrew #jewish #language #learnhebrew #restandrelaxation #howtosay #thankyou #mastodon #mazeldon
How to say, “Correct” in Hebrew!
#hebrewbyinbal #correct #youarecorrect #hebrew #video #languagelearning #correctanswer #jewish #learnhebrew #israeli #howtosay #thatscorrect #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #correct #youarecorrect #hebrew #video #languagelearning #correctanswer #jewish #learnhebrew #israeli #howtosay #thatscorrect #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon