I just finished watching "How to Talk to Girls at Parties", which is based on a short story by #NeilGaiman with the same name.
It was quite strange, but rather entertaining.
I was slightly thrown by seeing Matt Lucas in it, though that may be since I mainly know him from "Little Britain". #HowToTalkToGirlsAtParties
#howtotalktogirlsatparties #neilgaiman
johncameronmitchell and @nicolekidman on set
for #HowToTalkToGirlsAtParties.
Depuis post début John Cameron Mitchell sur Instagram de JCM
I have just read the graphic novel, How to Talk to Girls at Parties, by #NeilGaiman. It's another of his stories in which you fill in the gaps in the narrative. Ostensibly it is a tale of shy adolescent Enn, whose super confident friend Vic always gets the girls. But there is a subplot. Who are these girls at the party? The art work by Brazilian twin brothers #FábioMoon and #GabrielBá is very good. Next the film, which I have a copy of. I wonder how it will compare?
#howtotalktogirlsatparties #gabrielba #fabiomoon #neilgaiman
I have purchased my first ever graphic novels. I had already decided that I wanted something by Neil Gaiman, so after lots of pondering, I decided on #Chivalry and #HowToTalkToGirlsAtParties.
#comic #graphicnovel #neilgaiman #howtotalktogirlsatparties #chivalry