#hp さんは大変面白いコンピュータを売ってはりましたなあ、という #お気持ち になっている。当該の機種は251-a130jpで、 #Celeron N3050と4GBの #DDR3 メモリと500GBのHDD, DVDマルチドライブを積んでいる。このスペックをミドルタワーケースに詰めて売っているわけだが、おしりを見ると大変激しい。 #PCI スロット用の穴も空いてなければ #ATX 電源用の穴も空いていない。あるのは古くはPS/2ポートやパラレルポート、USBコネクタを通すためのコネクタ用の穴だけだ。そこに #ACアダプター の穴が設けられているのである。筐体がデカけりゃえらいのか? それとも3.5インチHDDを使いたかったのか? 理由はさっぱり判らないが、拡張性に全く見合わないケースを採用しているのだ
日本HP、エントリークラスで5万円台のミニタワー型デスクトップPC | マイナビニュース https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20151020-a132/
#acアダプター #atx #PCI #DDR3 #Celeron #お気持ち #hp
Anyone else still have their first ever laptop? Bought this back in the day. I still remember the salesman telling me about this fascinating feature, Bluetooth!
#pc #windows #hewlettpackard #hp
Kotaku: Starfield's Sandwiches Are Beautiful But Worthless https://kotaku.com/starfield-food-healing-hp-sandwiches-worthless-perks-1850805921?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #bethesdasoftworks #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #starfield #fallout #rpg #hp
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #bethesdasoftworks #theelderscrolls #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #starfield #fallout #rpg #hp
#Linux on Microsoft tablet, Lenovo, Samsung, HP, Rasberry Pi and probably on everything else 💪🏻
#linux #samsung #microsoft #lenovo #hp #raspberry #pi
Logitech MX Keys Mini
#BancoProva #Amazon #AppleMacBook #BancoProva #Batteria #Bluetooth #HP #Logitech #LogitechMXKeys #LogitechMXKeysMini #MicrosoftWindows #MicrosoftWindows10 #Mouse #MXKeys #MXKeysMini #Shopping #TestDiProdotto #TestHwSw #USB #VitaDiCasa
#BancoProva #amazon #applemacbook #batteria #bluetooth #hp #logitech #logitechmxkeys #logitechmxkeysmini #microsoftwindows #microsoftwindows10 #mouse #MXKeys #mxkeysmini #shopping #testdiprodotto #testhwsw #usb #vitadicasa
Nie wieder Drucker von #HP. Updatefunktion ausgeschaltet, trotzdem ist das letzte Update eingespielt worden, vielleicht hat jemand aus diesem Haushalt aus Versehen auf "Installieren". Damit sind die Patronen von Drittanbietern, die hier noch vorhanden sind, wertlos geworden. #HP schließt die mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten aus.
Dann fliegt der Drucker raus. Ein funktionierendes Gerät weg zu schmeißen widerspricht meiner inneren Haltung, aber überteuerte Patronen kaufen, sehe ich auch nicht ein.
La cosa che mi fa innervosire del DRM è proprio quanto possa essere proprio spudorato in certi casi. La mia stampante HP mi richiede un abbonamento da 4€ al mese per stampare con le cartucce piene... Allucinante
HP kaufe ich nie wieder, nachdem mir (neben tausenden anderen) der Akku 4 Wochen nach Ende der Garantie sich aufgeblasen hat und das Gehäuse geschrottet hat...allein bei uns in der Firma 6 von 7 Geräten.
Ich Kauf mir und meinen Kindern gerne einen normalen Laptop (gerne #HP oder #Dell) teils gebraucht, und tu dann #zorinos drauf.
Reparierbar ist fast jeder Laptop
@johannesbeers Ik ben ook de trotse bezitter van een HP Envy. Typisch gevalletje van ‘eens maar nooit weer’. #HP
@johannesbeers Onze HP netwerkprinter print vaker via USB dan via wifi. #HP weg ermee
HP launches two new Pavilion Plus laptops: 14 inches with Ryzen 7040H and 16 inches with Intel Raptor Lake and NVIDIA RTX 3050 #Hp, #HpPavilionPlus, #HpPavilionPlus14, #HpPavilionPlus16, #Laptop
#hp #hppavilionplus #hppavilionplus14 #hppavilionplus16 #laptop
India’s efforts to become a global manufacturing hub for technology hardware are gaining momentum as the government’s ....
#Apple #Dell #HP #India #PMmodi #Foxconn #Financial #ManufacturingHub #AshwiniVaishnaw
#apple #dell #hp #india #pmmodi #foxconn #financial #manufacturinghub #ashwinivaishnaw
Can somebody explain to me, why #HP needs me
1) to register an account, and
2) to log in,
in order to make a print, or scan, on my 5+ year old home, personal printer?
Not "wants me", not "asks me".
Why does HP "needs me" to do that?
Kotaku: Pokémon Go Fest 2023's International Event Was Lukewarm Leftovers https://kotaku.com/pokemon-go-fest-2023-niantic-mega-diancie-rayquaza-1850780192?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamecontroversies #roleplayingvideogames #gameplayofpokemon #videogamesequels #pokemonuniverse #megarayquaza #pokemongo #pokemon #snorlax #willow #waffle #hp
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #videogamecontroversies #roleplayingvideogames #gameplayofpokemon #videogamesequels #pokemonuniverse #megarayquaza #pokemongo #pokemon #snorlax #Willow #waffle #hp
Judge denies #HP's plea to throw out all-in-one #printer lockdown #lawsuit
HP #allinoneprinter owners, upset that their devices wouldn't #scan or #fax when low on #ink, were handed a partial win in a northern California court after a judge denied HP's motion to dismiss their suit, plaintiffs say IT giant illegally withheld that info from buyers https://www.theregister.com/2023/08/11/judge_denies_hps_request_to/
#hp #printer #lawsuit #allinoneprinter #scan #fax #ink
I'm surprised that there's very little open #firmware for common office #printers. I know the printers (even among brands and lines of products) are heterogeneous. But there's has got to be some #hardware #hacker who's tried writing open firmware for #HP, #Canon, and Brother printers. #OpenFirmware
#firmware #printers #hardware #hacker #hp #canon #openfirmware