Picked up a couple of books from Half Priced books yesterday, a RPG called Dungeon Crawl Classics, this is the 5th edition, what got me was the size of the book, and the price HPBs wanted, seemed cheap enough to me.
They also had more of the Star Trek Log Books, I'm missing Log 2 still, but they had Log 9 which I was missing.
#log #startrek #hpb #dcc #dungeoncrawlclassics #rpg
📢@bjsacademy RCT of the month!
A benchmark study for this rare condition, that provides a real hope of improved survival.
#HPB @JJEarnshaw
📢Januarys review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials now available!
Focus on: #HPB #UpperGI #Colorectal
Keep up to date with recent results ⬇️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
#randomizedclinicaltrials #hpb #uppergi #colorectal #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
HPB | 히어로즈 플랜 비(히플비) | 과거날조 단문집
Ten Years Ago
유료발행 해두었습니다
#히어로즈플랜비 #히플비 #HPB #스타코어
HPB | 히어로즈 플랜 비(히플비) | 과거날조 단문집
Ten Years Ago
유료발행 해두었습니다
#히어로즈플랜비 #히플비 #HPB #스타코어
Part 2 of Novembers review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials now available!
Particular focus: #GeneralSurgery #UpperGI #Colorectal #HPB
Keep up to date with recent results ➡️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
#randomizedclinicaltrials #GeneralSurgery #uppergi #colorectal #hpb #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
Nachdem der Bilderrahmen läuft, habe ich nun auch meine Cloud, genauergesagt die Nextcloud, auf den neuen Raspberry Pi 4 umgezogen. Das hat relativ gut funktioniert, gab aber "fast erwartet" ein paar kleinere Hürden zu bewältigen...
Die Cloud in Bewegung
Auf einem Raspberry Pi 3b hatte ich eine Nextcloudpi-Instanz laufen. Auf dem Gerät lief son
#Cloud #dnsmasq #Google #hpb #httpd #Nextcloud #Pi-Hole #RaspberryPi
#raspberrypi #pi #nextcloud #httpd #hpb #google #dnsmasq #cloud