Why sign up for CodeRefinery September 2023? In one week, you'll be getting very familiar with the basics of #git #VersionControl for single-person, local projects - the foundation of all to come. (we're posting each day's lesson one week in advance)
Register and attend the sessions you'd like (online #livestream, EU-mornings) or browse at your own time:
#openscience #RSEng #coderefinery #course #HPC, 1/?
#git #versioncontrol #livestream #openscience #rseng #Coderefinery #course #hpc
TSMC: Short Supply of HPC GPUs to Persist for 1.5 Years
Interessante, quando si dice che la domanda di potenza di calcolo per le AI è più della produzione non si scherza.
Comunque come ben specifica l'articolo il collo di bottiglia non è la produzione di chip in generale ma una parte della costruzione di quell'hardware specifico quindi non riguarda cose come processori o schede video normali
EasyBuild v4.8.1 has just been released!
We found some bugs (much to our surprise), so we fixed them.
Several hooks were added to customise, incl. one to tweak shell commands being run (see also https://docs.easybuild.io/hooks).
More software to support turned up, 83 of them - go check out https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software
All details via https://docs.easybuild.io/release-notes
Oh wow. I wonder how problematic this is for several #HPC sites?
#Sondaggi #Argentina #Presidenziali
Sondaggio di CEOP:
Javier #Milei (#PL|Destra libertaria): 34%
Sergio #Massa (#FR|Peronisti federali): 31%
Patricia #Bullrich (#PRO|Centro-destra): 25%
Myriam #Bregman (#PTS|Sinistra radicale): 2%
Juan #Schiaretti (#HPC|Peronisti): 1%
Nessuno/Non so: 5%
Scheda bianca: 2%
Data rilevazione: 22-30 agosto
Intervistati: 1441
#sondaggi #argentina #presidenziali #Milei #pl #massa #fr #Bullrich #pro #bregman #pts #schiaretti #hpc
#Sondaggi #Argentina #Presidenziali
Sondaggio di Analogías:
Javier #Milei (#PL|Destra libertaria): 31% (-1)
Sergio #Massa (#FR|Peronisti federali): 28% (+1)
Patricia #Bullrich (#PRO|Centro-destra): 21%
Juan #Schiaretti (#HPC|Peronisti): 3%
Myriam #Bregman (#PTS|Sinistra radicale): 2% (-3)
Nessuno/Non so: 11% (+1)
Scheda bianca: 2%
Data rilevazione: 3-5 settembre
+/-: 18-21 agosto
Intervistati: 2398
#sondaggi #argentina #presidenziali #Milei #pl #massa #fr #Bullrich #pro #schiaretti #hpc #bregman #pts
Extensibility Of U-Net Neural Network Model For Hydrographic Feature Extraction And Implications For Hydrologic Modeling
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13122368 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #Unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #NHD #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #LiDAR #ifSAR #elevation #topography #ANN #HPC #model #modeling #trainingdata #Alaska #USA #watersheds #DTM #DSM #DEM #routing #network #D8 #maps #opendata #3dep #elevation #topography #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #nhd #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #lidar #ifsar #elevation #ann #hpc #model #modeling #trainingdata #alaska #USA #watersheds #dtm #dsm #dem #routing #network #d8 #Maps #opendata #3dep #usgs
You work in #HPC when a workstation with a 4.7GHz-base-clock, 5.6GHz boost, 12-core, 24-thread CPU, 128GB of RAM and an NVIDIA RTXA2000 is considered “Low End”
Excited to unveil the preliminary program of the 1st Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments for Research and High-Performance Computing!
Experience reports by people with a variety of backgrounds, tutorials… time to register!
📅 Nov. 8–10, 2023
🗺 Montpellier, France
#guix #hpc #ReproducibleResearch #openscience
This is really, neat: "Hybrid Jobs" - a feature of Amazon Braket (our quantum computing service), lets you run algorithms that use both classical and quantum compute resources. Jordan Sullivan from the Braket engineering team explains how this works and how to use it. #HPC #Quantum #AWS
I suddenly had to teach my 4-hour introduction course on using #HPC systems in #Japanese this week, without time for preparation. I also did an introduction to the #Bash shell.
And to my surprise it went fine. Stumbled a bit on terminology ("embarrasingly parallel" is not actually "恥ずかしてきに並列" that I made up on the spot) but I got the ideas across, and people understood me without problem.
This experience gave me quite a confidence boost, and that doesn't happen too often.
Just Posted: @bknudtson #AI #BSL #Cloud #Edge #EFD2 #Encryption #FlashArray #HPC #OpenSource #Ransomware #Rundown #SDC #SFD26 #Storage
#ai #BSL #cloud #edge #efd2 #encryption #flasharray #hpc #opensource #ransomware #Rundown #sdc #sfd26 #storage
I first set up xCAT on VLSCI's SGI Altix XE cluster "Bruce" back in 2010, it just worked. From then on it ran all the VLSCI systems, including being used to deploy all the LPARs used for Avoca, our BlueGene/Q, the fastest machine in Australia when it went live. #HPC
RIP xCAT https://sourceforge.net/p/xcat/mailman/xcat-user/thread/MW4PR15MB51826CAD47B7E44D0D808F01F7E4A%40MW4PR15MB5182.namprd15.prod.outlook.com/#msg37890495 #HPC
> Mark Gurevich, Peter Wong, and I have been the primary xCAT maintainers for the past few years. This year, we have moved on to new roles unrelated to xCAT and can no longer continue to support the project. As a result, we plan to archive the project on December 1, 2023. xCAT 2.16.5, released on March 7, 2023, is our final planned release.
Today, some of my colleagues and I started to have a deep overview on #rust. We have a better understanding of datatypes, macros, mutable vs. immutable objects and a lot of other stuff.
We have a discord server to share our rust journey with everyone who is interested.
:rust_ferris: :rust_ferris:
:rust_ferris: :rust_ferris:
#programming #hpc
Interested in developing your #hpc skills and passing them on to your students? Attend our FacultyHack@Gateways2023 to receive high-performance computing training and discover how you can apply your training into your classes. Learn more at https://sciencegateways.org/education-training/faculty-focused
We’re finalizing the program of the Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments and all I can tell you is that we’ll have a great lineup and wonderful #HPC and #OpenScience topics.
Registrations opening next week!
Today we're announcing the integration between Amazon File Cache and #AWS ParallelCluster - super important for hybrid #HPC scenarios. We'll show you how it works and how to deploy it. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/hpc/bursting-your-hpc-applications-to-aws-is-now-easier-with-amazon-file-cache-and-aws-parallelcluster/
Fair share scheduling is great but how do you visualize what it's gonna do to your job queues? How is "fair" done? Angel Pizarro joins us to show it in action with jobs flowing in #AWS #Batch, so you can get your head around it. https://youtu.be/CX4uyPB6cQk #HPC #Cloud #Amazon
#aws #batch #hpc #cloud #amazon
#hpcops #hpc #devops was buried in cluster bring up and now back to the dev cycle to get nhc deployed. Which isn’t difficult. I’ve got that built and it’s running, what isn’t built is integrating it into monitoring and the custom built scheduler. Some of this I can do other I can’t