Here is a piece I wrote for Closler on how I talk about a patient’s illness without invoking the battle metaphor #hpm #MedEducation #MedEdMastodon
#hpm #MedEducation #mededmastodon
How are you getting in preparing your submission for our special issue on Primary Palliative Care? Don't hesitate to contact us with any queries. See our call for papers on our home page: #hpm #hapc #palliativecare #hospice
#hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare #Hospice
A total of 117 statements were identified and organised into five clusters: (1) being client-centred, (2) promoting occupational engagement to optimise quality of life, (3) involving the social and relational environment, (4) enabling occupations and (5) facilitating occupational adaptation. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
The key elements which signal improved care outcomes are: care coordination; care planning; digital health; and using methods to prepare, inform and motivate patients and families. #hpm #hapc
Paramedics have a revered public identity, shaped by a perceived ability to fix a crisis. However, a dichotomy exists regarding their role as a lifesaver and community responder. #hpm #hapc
With regard to spirituality, for parents caring for a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, five aspects are important: how they connect to their religious beliefs; how they deal with hope; their parental identity; their personal development; and how connected they feel to others. #hpm #hapc #pedpc
Home deaths increased for everyone in the UK, but the increase was greater for those living in the least deprived areas compared to those living in the most deprived area. #hpm #hapc
The actionable practices suggested by family members/caregivers provide opportunities for both healthcare teams and healthcare systems to improve the quality of serious illness care during the #COVID-19 context. #hpm #hapc
Young men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy are able to escape their everyday lives through video gaming and engage in activity otherwise unavailable to them. #hpm #hapc
A diverse patient sample with respect to race, ethnicity, language, socioeconomic background, and cancer type understood and applied the term “prognosis” in unique, multifaceted ways. #hpm #hapc
#Hospice staff and volunteers’ practice predominantly focused on managing hyperactive symptoms of delirium, rather than delirium prevention or early recognition. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
#Hospice #hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare
Acute care for older people in hospital was shaped by an overarching ideology of rescue which predicted and dictated the process of care. Suffering was not restricted to the direct experiences of life-limiting illness but was also associated with the experience of receiving care in an acute hospital setting. Avoiding or minimising iatrogenic suffering is an essential component of compassionate care. #hpm #hapc #hospice
Identified gaps in research include: appropriate outcome tools for progressive neurological disease patients, how to address healthcare provider education and appropriate triage and referral guidelines for these patients to palliative care providers. #palliativecare #hpm #hapc #hospice #neurology
#PalliativeCare #hpm #HAPC #Hospice #Neurology
This study provides equivocal results about the effects of Medical Aid in Dying on family members following the loss. #hpm #hapc
Professional interpreters experience distress, overwhelm, guilt, loneliness and discomfort when interpreting #palliative care conversations. #hpm #hapc
All included models had elements of care integration (such as a care coordination role, interdisciplinary collaboration and person-centred care); but the level of integration varied considerably. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
This review identified 44 PREMs available for use for hospitalised patients with palliative care needs and their families, and mapped them to domains of care shown to be important by previous research. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare
Woo hoo! You will now find our podcasts on Spotify. You can now listen to authors talk about their work 'on the go'. #hpm #hapc #palliativecare #podcast
#hpm #HAPC #PalliativeCare #podcast
Telehealth rapport and relational training, including managing telepresence, is needed to help health professionals adopt and integrate telehealth into #palliative care. #hpm #hapc
Evidence to identify how telehealth services should be used (including appropriate models of care and economic considerations) are needed for this technology to achieve its full potential in #palliative care. #hpm #hapc